great minds think alike
איזו רשימה יפיפיה אני מעתיקה למען כולם את הפתיחה ממש תודה Dear men who have lost or may be losing your hair, this article is for you. If you think that your lack of hair is making you less desirable, please think again. Over the years I have had the same conversation with many other women about bald or balding men. Our conclusion: your hair does not define you. My own survey, conducted over a five-year period with women ranging in ages from 17 to 75, yields some startling results. Here, in order, are some of the attributes we find attractive in men: Sense of humor Personality Acceptance of self Great eyes Good self-esteem Love to dance and don't worry about how they look doing it Affectionate Will paint your toenails Don't get freaked out over little things Like to cook Keep themselves healthy Aren't afraid to pick up a baby Cleanliness Like pets Remember special dates Good manners Mentally stable Financially stable Hair What kind of car they drive