הופה הופה משש
PRE-FINALE EPISODES | As Season 2′s final four episodes continue to unspool uninterrupted, “You're going to see all of our core characters front and center,” co-creator Adam Horowitz promises. Adds co-creator Eddy Kitsis, “Everything that's happened to Snow and Charming and Emma and Regina and Rumple and Belle throughout this season… kind of interlocks as we get to the end, and we get to see them rise to some exciting challenges.” Our heroes' obstacles include Tamara and Greg, whose agenda will soon be spelled out (“We intend to answer that mystery, but it's really about what it means for Emma, Regina, Snow and everyone,” says Horowitz), a “really big” Episode 21 twist for the reunited Rumple and Bae and a major residency issue, as the magic beans become ripe for harvesting. “Obviously, Charming would like to go back home, but Snow is a bit hesitant because she wants Emma to go with,” Kitsis notes. “So... what will happen when Emma is faced with the option of going back?”
MAY 12 SEASON FINALE | It is Horowitz's hope that “And Straight on 'Til Morning” — which leads out of the penultimate episode “Second Star to the Right” — “will deliver on an epic scope of storytelling, but what we're really excited about is the emotion that were going for between these characters and what they're about to experience. We're hopefully pushing them to a new place both emotionally… and maybe literally.”
אז... דבר ראשון- שירי- שכחת דמות אחת שנחשבת למרכזית לפחות בעיני אדם הורוביץ- בל. היפי!
ו... כן, הולכים לעולם אחר, לא ידוע איזה, אולי חוזרים הביתה. משהו יקרה לניל בפרק 21. כיף כיף.
אגב בראיון עם אמילי היא כתבה שבל לא לוקחת חלק בכל הדיון אם לחזור הביתה או לא, היא עוד בענייני לייסי שלה.