../images/Emo207.gif../images/Emo89.gif../images/Emo41.gif../images/Emo26.gifבלוג חדש מטום!../images/Emo41.gif../images/Emo36.gif
I could be Jack Bauer Alright guys and gals, In our studio at the mo, just finishing off the bits of the album that we didn't get done in Australia. I have never been this excited about a mcfly album, it's so awesome, we can't wait to playing these songs on tour!! You should all be proud of Dougie and myself as we completed HALO 3 on the Xbox yesterday. Kicked some alien butt! I also finished season 5 of 24...oh my god, i wanna be Jack Bauer so bad! Anyways, starbucks awaits!
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יאא אני מתרגשת לשמוע את האלבום החדש! חסר להם והוא לא יהיה מעולה וסתם הם עושים המון רוח... קראתי איפה שהוא שיש שמועה שלשיר אחד קוראים Shut Up
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