צוף, מעניין שכאשר ניהלנו דיאלוג על פריסה קודמת שלי, אכן ניהלת דיאלוג, ולא כפית את הפרשנות שלך....הערכתי זאת מאד. במקרה של חתולה שחורה אני ממש רואה מקרה הפוך: נסיון פטרוני, לכפות דיעה – ואין כאן עניין אישי במובן שהיא מכירה או מביעה איזה קשר אלי, אלי פטרונות לצורך הטריפ האישי שלה על הגב של אנשים אחרים. מה שממש, אבל ממש עושה את כל הדיון לנורא בעיני - הוא ההסכמה הגורפת שלכן. הרי טארוט בנוי משלל פרשנויות, לא כן?........ וחוץ מקלף 7 חרבות היו איזה 6 קלפים נוספים בפריסה, לא כן?............. ומה עם קלף כח בסיכום?.... זה שאין שום ניצוץ של פרשנות נוספת או הארה/הערה מכולכן זה מה שנותן למי שמתבונן מן הצד תחושת קליקה. אבל כאמור – שיערב. ומכיוון שב 7 חרבות עסקינן – מעבר להסכמה הגורפת ביניכן – הרי שלל תגובות לקלף הזה שאספתי באינטרנט.... באף אחת מהן, אגב, לא מצאתי תרמית והונאה, שמשום מה נבחרה להיות הקריאה המועדפת על חתולה שחורה..... 1. the 7 swords represents - an inevitable isolation - breaking away from a group to be by oneself - possibly running away from commitment to others - a warning to oneself to really know that isolation is what is wanted - It's interesting to look at the RW deck and see that the 7 is broken into two groups -5 of swords - which further screams isolation - and warns is this really what you want - and the 2 swords left standing by themselves -again cutting ourselves off from another or others - 2. certainly one of the DMs (divinatory meanings) of the 7-Swords can be isolation, another is creating problems for yourself, and yet another is futility, and another is strategy, and another is dishonesty, and on the positive side of the DMs is planning put into action, assurance, confidence, conviction. Waite gave the card in his deck the DMs of Design, attempt, wish, hope, confidence; also quarrelling, a plan that may fail, annoyance. Etteilla, who was arguably the first professional tarotist had this to say about the 7-Swords: Hope, Expectation, Expect, Want, Promise Yourself, Brag, Essence, Design, Will, Desire, Wish, Longing, Craving, Liking, Fantasy 3. I was asked about positional aspects of the 7-Swords after posting a few of the DMs for the card. Great question, great opportunity to talk tarot! A few positional aspects of the Seven of Swords, not deck specific. Other tarotists will undoubtedly have different positional definitions. Please remember that the specific spread, the question, and the surrounding cards will influence the interpretation: Self position: Discipline is essential to success regardless the undertaking. Without an adequate and thoughtful plan, it is difficult, at best, to recognize the potential, the advantages, and the openings This card in this position reminds the querant that it is imperative to be able to envision the end result of any undertaking. Situation position: Disorganization and potentially chaos surrounds the querant Without skillful leadership and organization the situation churns repeatedly without resolution First, gain an understanding of how this situation evolved, create a workable plan, and take whatever steps are necessary to put the plan into action Talk is cheap… Challenge/Opportunity position: There is seldom time to rest on one’s laurels For every challenge that is met, there are many more waiting The biggest challenge of all with this card in this position is to understand what is reasonable and what is harebrained Be discriminating over where your energies are expended As an opportunity this card demonstrates that somewhere there is a leadership role awaiting you, again be discriminating and do the headwork before the handwork! It's in the cards & the positions! HH