שאלה על צריכת חלבון.

לא התמכרות שיש בה תלות אמיתית

אבל חריגה מאוד רצינית ממנהגי אכילה טבעיים של בנאדם נורמלי. אני אמנם לא מדריך חד"כ אבל מכיר וראיתי אנשים שהתחייבו (מתוקף אימונים) לאוכל דל שומן ועשיר בחלבונים, וריחמתי עליהם כל רגע. חוצמזה שמתאמן רגיל בא"ל ממש לא צריך עלייה במסה.


New member
צודק לחלוטין,

ובגלל זה ציינתי מההתחלה שהאבקות מתאימות רק לסוג אימונים מסויים.


New member
and still...

you didn't show me any articles or researches that support your claims training abs every day?!?!?! dude it's the oldest and unreasonable mith ever!!!!! i don't really think u know what youre talking about and u base that on your own opinions look i don't know why u have a GYM fobia but i don't think i could change your mind cause youre to stupid to understand that u may be wrong so go ahead, train your abs every day just don't advices other people about streght training because u don't even have a basic knowledge about that oh and where did u see i was talking about protein shakes?!????
סרסורי, יום אחד תתבגר ותפסיק לקרוא

לאנשים טיפשים רק כי הם לא מסכימים איתך. עד אז, אתה יכול להמשיך להתנפח בשקט


New member
Dear Pimp,

I didn't ask for the best training program possible and I'm not training for a body building competition. I practice Martial Arts and try to keep in shape along the way. I had listenned to your advice and also asked in the חדרי כושר forum, and with the new information I recieved, I'm seriously thinking about some adjusments to my training routine. Having said that, You need to understand that when Ohad said my training routine isn't fundementally wrong for my own purpose, he took into consideration that I'm not doing itensive workouts on specific muscle groups, while keeping a strict diet. As a matter of fact I'm not even working out in the gym, but against my own body weight. I appreaciate your advice and there's no need for cursing here, even if you're positive in your justice. Amit


New member
not good at all

enter forum number 348 for advices aout how to train well' cause your training program not good at all... this is not how you sopposed to train