כן..כולם אומרים לי שהייתי נורא מגיעלה אליה. חח היא תחיה. היא אהבה את זה..תאמינו לי.
גם בהתחלה, אמרו לנו שקלי חולה שלא כדאי להגיד לה דברים שיגרמו לה לדבר (אבל כמובן היא קשקשה מלא עם כולם) אז כשאני באתי אליה..זו הייתה השיחה הנה מה שכתבתי אחרי ההופעה, כמעט מילה במילה ממה שזכרתי מהפגישה עם קלי..הייתי מגעילה אליה חחח Kelly: (to me) Hi, I'm Kelly! (approaching me to hug me) Me: (stepping back) yeah, I heard you can't talk, so just sign this and I'll leave Kelly: (the most heartbroken expression on her face) what? Nooo! Me: (cracking up) hahah Kelly, just joking..i'm just kidding you. (Kelly joins in on the laughing). Kelly: (pointing to my tourbook), so what's your name? Me: Alona, oh and by the way, in Chicago on your last tour, you said hi to me on a cell phone and mispronounced my name..I was so sad, I couldn't sleep for days. Kelly: Really? I'm so sorry!!! Me: No, I'm just joking. It's totally fine! (we both laugh) Kelly starts signing the cover of my book while I stare at her and Jaclyn interrupts with her whisper/schooby doo voice reminding me that I didn't want the signature on the cover. Thank g-d the sharpie didn't work. Jaclyn showed Kelly the pad that said "Hi! My name is Jaclyn and I've had laryngitis for 2 days and counting" Kelly sprinted across the room after asking Jaclyn if she was on antibiotics and Jaclyn said no. Kelly was like "well, that scares me, cause I think you should be on antibiotics" Kelly started a story about how she was sick as well and was alone in her hotel room..I interrupted (still kicking myself for doing so) Kelly: So I was all alone in my hotel room Me: Alone-uh! Kelly: Alona…alona…wait…why am I saying this? Cause it's your name? Me: Yeah..you have to say leave me alona from now on..that's just how it is. I can't remember what else we chatted about, but I can totally give Kelly a run for her money when it comes to talking a lot. I'll just skip to what I remember: Me: Oh, so Kelly! Want to say hi to my friends in Israel in Hebrew? Kelly: (nods and was so up for it) Sure! Let's do it. (it was so cute, she was like getting ready for a mission) Me: OMG! (jumping up and down..ok ok…I get my camera out of my purse..I was waiting for Trey or Tim to tell me I couldn't take video, but no one said that so phew!) Kelly: (laughing) Ok, so what do I have to say? Me: Ok, Shalom Kelly: Oooh! Shalom! I know Shalom, it's like Shalom! (waving) Me: Yeah…so Shalom..La'chaverim shel alona be'israel Kelly: whaaat? (had the most confused face..it was so cute) Me: Ok, I knew this wouldn't work..i'll write it down for you (so I write it down on the pad of paper Kelly put back on the table after ready Jac's message earlier) Kelly: (picks it up, and reads it once..) Ok, tell me when to go Me: (I start filming) ok go! You guys saw this video, so there is no need for a transcript of it..lol Yeah, I said JUST GO, OK GO…sue me. I was so at ease and I was running out of space on my card, I had to rush the girl. Kelly, Jac, Lindz and I talked for another few minutes when Tim was getting anxious and told us to hurry up..Kelly was like "It's ok!"..yeah, she definitely thinks I'm hot
hahaha. Jk, it was fun. We were laughing the whole time. I was rushed so I quickly told her how I lived in Israel until this September and she inspired me to move back to Canada to follow my dreams and not to give up, so she'll see me in a few years somewhere.. I was disappointed cause I didn't get to tell all the details how they were, but at least she hugged me again and said that she definitely will see me. We took the picture and It was Jaclyn, me, Kelly and Lindz. Jac was like "awww! I'm on the side!" so Kelly told trey to take another one of her and jac cause she was alone. She actually remembered her name. "Let's take another picture with Jaclyn, she was on the side". It was awesome. By the end of everything I couldn't remember if she had signed my tourbook so while we were saying our goodbyes to her: Me: (picking up my tourbook) Kelly, did you sign this? Kelly: yeah Me: Cause if you didn't and I get home and I find it.. Kelly: You'll be so mad! Me; Of course I'll be bad..i'll be like: Damn, Kelly! Kelly: (cracking up..) Then we said our goodbyes and thankyous and left.