בשביל לסגור את הנושא אחת ולתמיד
אז מסתבר שזו כן סיגרייה. נכון מייקל כעיקרון הפסיק לעשן אבל הוא עדיין לוקח סיגרייה מדי פעם וג'ניפר מודעת להרגל מגונה זה במהלך שלוש וחצי שנות הכרותם. יש משהי באחד הפורומים של אליאס שמסתבר יודעת המון דברים וזה מה שהיא אומרת. I'm posting this comment and I hope it's the last one on this subject. Michael Vartan is an occasional smoker. The picture of him posted is not a lollipop, an ice cream stick or anything else but a cigarette. Jennifer Garner is fully aware for the past three and a half years that they have known each other that he smokes occasionally. This is not an issue in their relationship. As I said to someone the other day, she didn't throw him back because he does it and neither should anyone else. Michael is a human being. No more. No less. Vartan would probably be horrified to know that people think he's anything more than just a normal guy. If people are going to judge him because he's been known to smoke than so be it but let's not waste time making more or analyzing this than needs be. I'm a bit embarrassed by having to post about this again but let's move on. That horse is dead. Carol