Well-known member
×Ē××× × ×ק!××ק×, ×× ×פ×Ēר×× ××× ×§×. פ׊×× ×Ē××××× ×Š×× ×××ר ×ĸ×××× ××ר ×× "×פ׊ר ××××Ēר".
×Ē××× × ×ק!××ק×, ×× ×פ×Ēר×× ××× ×§×. פ׊×× ×Ē××××× ×Š×× ×××ר ×ĸ×××× ××ר ×× "×פ׊ר ××××Ēר".
1. ×× ×××?××Ļ× ×× 89:
×¤×¨×Ą× ×'קץ×× ×¨×׊×× × ××§× ×××××Ē פ×ר×× Boy Swallows Universe ×××××Ē The Tourist In The Know ר×׊×× × SNL One Day ×××××Ē The Conners ׊×××× ××Ļ×ĸ×ר ×ץ×Ē×××× Resident Alien ×ר××¤× ×××× ×ץ×Ē×××× Star Wars: The Bad batch ×ץ×Ē×××× ×××××ר: ×׊×Ŗ ×××××ר ×××ר×× ×¨×׊×× × The Second best Hospital in the Galaxy ר×׊×× × ×Š×××× ×¨×׊×× × ××¨× ××'×ר×' ×××××Ē Young Royals ×ץ×Ē×××× Invincible ×קץ ×× - ×ץ××¨× ××Š× ××Ē ×90 X Men 97 ר×׊×× × three body problem ר×׊×× × Jerrod Carmichael Reality Show ר×׊×× × ×¨×פ×× ×××××Ē Star Trek: Discovery ×ץ×Ē×××× Baby Reindeer ×××××Ē Fallout ר×׊×× × Conan O'Brien Must Go ר×׊×× × Dead Boy Detectives ×ץ×Ē×××× Welcome to Wrexham Hacks Outer Range ×ץ×Ē×××× Eric ×××××Ē Prisma ×ץ×Ē×××× Scavangers Reign ר×׊×× × Hit Monkey Wolf Like Me That 90's Show ×ץ×Ē×××× Star Trek: Prodigy The Acolyte ×ץ×Ē×××× The Boys Stargate SG1 House of the Dragon Firefly The Umbrella Academy Solar Opposites ××פ×× ×××× ×¨×׊×× × ××××××× ×××× Time Bandits ר×׊×× × Rykter Futurama Only Murders in the building Doctor Who The rings of power How to die alone ר×׊×× × Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy ר×׊×× × Agatha all along ר×׊×× × Supacell ר×׊×× × High Potential ר×׊×× × English Teacher ר×׊×× × Nobody Wants This ר×׊×× × Brilliant Minds ר×׊×× × Heartstopper The Heardacres ר×׊×× × The Secret of the River ×××××Ē Teacup ר×׊×× × The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh ר×׊×× × Mr Loverman ר×׊×× × Star Trek: Lower Decks ×ץ×Ē×××× Georgie And Mandy's First Marriage ר×׊×× × St. Denis Medical ר×׊×× × ××× ×× ×§××¤× ×¨×׊××Ē Dune: Prophecy ר×׊×× × The Day of the Jackal ר×׊×× × Skeleton Crew ר×׊×× × Creature Commandos ר×׊×× × A Man on the Inside ר×׊×× × Dexter: Original Sin ר×׊×× × Secret Level ר×׊×× × Black Doves ר×׊×× × What If Lost Boys and Fairies ×××××Ē The Artful Dodger ר×׊×× × ×××¤× ×§××××Ē ××ĸרפ××× ×× ×'× In Limbo ×××××Ē ××Ļ×× ×××××Ē Tales of the Empire
××¤× ×ĸ׊××Ē ××Ē ×׊×× ×ר×׊××! ×ĸ×׊×× ××ĸ× ××Ē.××Ļ× ×× 89:
×¤×¨×Ą× ×'קץ×× ×¨×׊×× × ××§× ×××××Ē פ×ר×× Boy Swallows Universe ×××××Ē The Tourist In The Know ר×׊×× × SNL One Day ×××××Ē The Conners ׊×××× ××Ļ×ĸ×ר ×ץ×Ē×××× Resident Alien ×ר××¤× ×××× ×ץ×Ē×××× Star Wars: The Bad batch ×ץ×Ē×××× ×××××ר: ×׊×Ŗ ×××××ר ×××ר×× ×¨×׊×× × The Second best Hospital in the Galaxy ר×׊×× × ×Š×××× ×¨×׊×× × ××¨× ××'×ר×' ×××××Ē Young Royals ×ץ×Ē×××× Invincible ×קץ ×× - ×ץ××¨× ××Š× ××Ē ×90 X Men 97 ר×׊×× × three body problem ר×׊×× × Jerrod Carmichael Reality Show ר×׊×× × ×¨×פ×× ×××××Ē Star Trek: Discovery ×ץ×Ē×××× Baby Reindeer ×××××Ē Fallout ר×׊×× × Conan O'Brien Must Go ר×׊×× × Dead Boy Detectives ×ץ×Ē×××× Welcome to Wrexham Hacks Outer Range ×ץ×Ē×××× Eric ×××××Ē Prisma ×ץ×Ē×××× Scavangers Reign ר×׊×× × Hit Monkey Wolf Like Me That 90's Show ×ץ×Ē×××× Star Trek: Prodigy The Acolyte ×ץ×Ē×××× The Boys Stargate SG1 House of the Dragon Firefly The Umbrella Academy Solar Opposites ××פ×× ×××× ×¨×׊×× × ××××××× ×××× Time Bandits ר×׊×× × Rykter Futurama Only Murders in the building Doctor Who The rings of power How to die alone ר×׊×× × Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy ר×׊×× × Agatha all along ר×׊×× × Supacell ר×׊×× × High Potential ר×׊×× × English Teacher ר×׊×× × Nobody Wants This ר×׊×× × Brilliant Minds ר×׊×× × Heartstopper The Heardacres ר×׊×× × The Secret of the River ×××××Ē Teacup ר×׊×× × The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh ר×׊×× × Mr Loverman ר×׊×× × Star Trek: Lower Decks ×ץ×Ē×××× Georgie And Mandy's First Marriage ר×׊×× × St. Denis Medical ר×׊×× × ××× ×× ×§××¤× ×¨×׊××Ē Dune: Prophecy ר×׊×× × The Day of the Jackal ר×׊×× × Skeleton Crew ר×׊×× × Creature Commandos ר×׊×× × A Man on the Inside ר×׊×× × Dexter: Original Sin ר×׊×× × Secret Level ר×׊×× × Black Doves ר×׊×× × What If Lost Boys and Fairies ×××××Ē The Artful Dodger ר×׊×× × ×××¤× ×§××××Ē ××ĸרפ××× ×× ×'× In Limbo ×××××Ē ××Ļ×× ×××××Ē Tales of the Empire
××Ļ× ×× 89:×× ××Ē× ××׊ ק××§× ××× ××× ×ץפ×ר - ×××× ×Ą×ר××Ē ץ×"× ×Ļפ××Ē× ××Š× ×? (×× ××Ē× ×ĸ×Ļ×× ×× ×Ē× × ×ץפר ××ĸר×)
×¤×¨×Ą× ×'קץ×× | ר×׊×× × |
××§× | ×××××Ē |
פ×ר×× | |
Boy Swallows Universe | ×××××Ē |
The Tourist | |
In The Know | ר×׊×× × |
SNL | |
One Day | ×××××Ē |
The Conners | |
׊×××× ××Ļ×ĸ×ר | ×ץ×Ē×××× |
Resident Alien | |
×ר××¤× ×××× | ×ץ×Ē×××× |
Star Wars: The Bad batch | ×ץ×Ē×××× |
×××××ר: ×׊×Ŗ ×××××ר ×××ר×× | ר×׊×× × |
The Second best Hospital in the Galaxy | ר×׊×× × |
׊×××× | ר×׊×× × |
××¨× ××'×ר×' | ×××××Ē |
Young Royals | ×ץ×Ē×××× |
Invincible | |
×קץ ×× - ×ץ××¨× ××Š× ××Ē ×90 | |
X Men 97 | ר×׊×× × |
three body problem | ר×׊×× × |
Jerrod Carmichael Reality Show | ר×׊×× × |
ר×פ×× | ×××××Ē |
Star Trek: Discovery | ×ץ×Ē×××× |
Baby Reindeer | ×××××Ē |
Fallout | ר×׊×× × |
Conan O'Brien Must Go | ר×׊×× × |
Dead Boy Detectives | ×ץ×Ē×××× |
Welcome to Wrexham | |
Hacks | |
Outer Range | ×ץ×Ē×××× |
Eric | ×××××Ē |
Prisma | ×ץ×Ē×××× |
Scavangers Reign | ר×׊×× × |
Hit Monkey | |
Wolf Like Me | |
That 90's Show | ×ץ×Ē×××× |
Star Trek: Prodigy | |
The Acolyte | ×ץ×Ē×××× |
The Boys | |
Stargate SG1 | |
House of the Dragon | |
Firefly | |
The Umbrella Academy | |
Solar Opposites | |
××פ×× ×××× | ר×׊×× × |
××××××× ×××× | |
Time Bandits | ר×׊×× × |
Rykter | |
Futurama | |
Only Murders in the building | |
Doctor Who | |
The rings of power | |
How to die alone | ר×׊×× × |
Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy | ר×׊×× × |
Agatha all along | ר×׊×× × |
Supacell | ר×׊×× × |
High Potential | ר×׊×× × |
English Teacher | ר×׊×× × |
Nobody Wants This | ר×׊×× × |
Brilliant Minds | ר×׊×× × |
Heartstopper | |
The Heardacres | ר×׊×× × |
The Secret of the River | ×××××Ē |
Teacup | ר×׊×× × |
The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh | ר×׊×× × |
Mr Loverman | ר×׊×× × |
Star Trek: Lower Decks | ×ץ×Ē×××× |
Georgie And Mandy's First Marriage | ר×׊×× × |
St. Denis Medical | ר×׊×× × |
××× ×× | |
ק××¤× ×¨×׊××Ē | |
Dune: Prophecy | ר×׊×× × |
The Day of the Jackal | ר×׊×× × |
Skeleton Crew | ר×׊×× × |
Creature Commandos | ר×׊×× × |
A Man on the Inside | ר×׊×× × |
Dexter: Original Sin | ר×׊×× × |
Secret Level | ר×׊×× × |
Black Doves | ר×׊×× × |
What If | |
Lost Boys and Fairies | ×××××Ē |
The Artful Dodger | ר×׊×× × |
×××¤× ×§××××Ē ××ĸרפ××× | |
×× ×'× | |
In Limbo | ×××××Ē |
××Ļ×× | ×××××Ē |
Tales of the Empire |
1. ×× ×××?
2. ××× ×× ×ĸ× ×××××.
× ××× ××Ļ×××× ×Š×× ×ר××Ē× ×ĸ×× ×Š×Š×ר׊ר×Ē× ××× ××× ×§××.××¤× ×ĸ׊××Ē ××Ē ×׊×× ×ר×׊××! ×ĸ×׊×× ××ĸ× ××Ē.
××××× ×Š×× ×× ×Š×¤×× ××× ××× × ×ר×××. ××× ×׊×××× ×× ××ĸ× ××× ×× ×× ×× ××ר×ר×Ē!!
××Ē×פק×Ē× ×××× ××× ××Ļ×××× ×Š×× ×ר××Ē× ×ĸ×× ×Š×Š×ר׊ר×Ē× ××× ××× ×§××.
××× ×× ××ר ××××Ē× ××ץ××¤× ××××× ×××¤× ×Š×׊×ר×Ē ר×ק ×ĸ×× × X ×× ×× ××Ē× ××Ē×ĸ×Ļ×/×× ×××ר ×× "×ĸ×× ×Ē ××׊×", "×׊×××" ×ץ×ר××Ē ×ר×××× ××××Ē (×××Š× ×קץ×× ××׊×) ×"×××ר×Ē" ××Ļפ×× ×××ר×Ē ××× ××פ×.××Ļ× ×× 89:
×¤×¨×Ą× ×'קץ×× ×¨×׊×× × ××§× ×××××Ē פ×ר×× Boy Swallows Universe ×××××Ē The Tourist In The Know ר×׊×× × SNL One Day ×××××Ē The Conners ׊×××× ××Ļ×ĸ×ר ×ץ×Ē×××× Resident Alien ×ר××¤× ×××× ×ץ×Ē×××× Star Wars: The Bad batch ×ץ×Ē×××× ×××××ר: ×׊×Ŗ ×××××ר ×××ר×× ×¨×׊×× × The Second best Hospital in the Galaxy ר×׊×× × ×Š×××× ×¨×׊×× × ××¨× ××'×ר×' ×××××Ē Young Royals ×ץ×Ē×××× Invincible ×קץ ×× - ×ץ××¨× ××Š× ××Ē ×90 X Men 97 ר×׊×× × three body problem ר×׊×× × Jerrod Carmichael Reality Show ר×׊×× × ×¨×פ×× ×××××Ē Star Trek: Discovery ×ץ×Ē×××× Baby Reindeer ×××××Ē Fallout ר×׊×× × Conan O'Brien Must Go ר×׊×× × Dead Boy Detectives ×ץ×Ē×××× Welcome to Wrexham Hacks Outer Range ×ץ×Ē×××× Eric ×××××Ē Prisma ×ץ×Ē×××× Scavangers Reign ר×׊×× × Hit Monkey Wolf Like Me That 90's Show ×ץ×Ē×××× Star Trek: Prodigy The Acolyte ×ץ×Ē×××× The Boys Stargate SG1 House of the Dragon Firefly The Umbrella Academy Solar Opposites ××פ×× ×××× ×¨×׊×× × ××××××× ×××× Time Bandits ר×׊×× × Rykter Futurama Only Murders in the building Doctor Who The rings of power How to die alone ר×׊×× × Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy ר×׊×× × Agatha all along ר×׊×× × Supacell ר×׊×× × High Potential ר×׊×× × English Teacher ר×׊×× × Nobody Wants This ר×׊×× × Brilliant Minds ר×׊×× × Heartstopper The Heardacres ר×׊×× × The Secret of the River ×××××Ē Teacup ר×׊×× × The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh ר×׊×× × Mr Loverman ר×׊×× × Star Trek: Lower Decks ×ץ×Ē×××× Georgie And Mandy's First Marriage ר×׊×× × St. Denis Medical ר×׊×× × ××× ×× ×§××¤× ×¨×׊××Ē Dune: Prophecy ר×׊×× × The Day of the Jackal ר×׊×× × Skeleton Crew ר×׊×× × Creature Commandos ר×׊×× × A Man on the Inside ר×׊×× × Dexter: Original Sin ר×׊×× × Secret Level ר×׊×× × Black Doves ר×׊×× × What If Lost Boys and Fairies ×××××Ē The Artful Dodger ר×׊×× × ×××¤× ×§××××Ē ××ĸרפ××× ×× ×'× In Limbo ×××××Ē ××Ļ×× ×××××Ē Tales of the Empire
The Umbrella Academy
×××× ×ץ×Ē×××× ××× ××Ē××Ē ×ĸ×××× "×ץ×Ē××××".××××××× ××××
×× ×ĸ׊××Ē× ××Ē ×× ××××¤× ×ץ××× ××××× ×× ×Ē××× × ×Ē× ×××ץ××Ŗ ××Ē ××ĸ×××× ××××Ē ×××. ××× × ××× ×Š×× ××ר׊ ×Ē×ק××.××× ×× ××ר ××××Ē× ××ץ××¤× ××××× ×××¤× ×Š×׊×ר×Ē ר×ק ×ĸ×× × X ×× ×× ××Ē× ××Ē×ĸ×Ļ×/×× ×××ר ×× "×ĸ×× ×Ē ××׊×", "×׊×××" ×ץ×ר××Ē ×ר×××× ××××Ē (×××Š× ×קץ×× ××׊×) ×"×××ר×Ē" ××Ļפ×× ×××ר×Ē ××× ××פ×.
×××× ×ץ×Ē×××× ××× ××Ē××Ē ×ĸ×××× "×ץ×Ē××××".
×××, ××ĸ×¨× ××××× ××Š× × ××Ē×××Ē× ××ĸ׊××Ē ×××× ×××× ×ץ××ר×Ē ×Š× ×× ×ץ×ר××Ē ׊×× × ×¨××× ×× ×Š× × ×××× ×× × ×××× ×׊×Ē×Ŗ ×××Ē×.
××× ×Ē×, ×××× ×× ××ר×Ē× ×××ץ××Ŗ ××Ē ×× ×Š××ר×Ē× ×× ×× ×ĸ× ×× ×׊ ׊××××Ē (×ĸ×× ××Ē ××׊×, ×× ×׊×××Ē ×׊×, ×Ļפ×××Ē ×××ר××Ē), ××ĸ××ר ×× ××ĸ× ××Ē.×ĸ׊××Ē× ××Ē ×× ×׊××× ×ĸ×Ļ×× ×ĸ× ×× ×Ē ׊×××× ×× ×§× ×××Ēר ××ר ×× ××××× ×××× ×× ×ץ×ר××Ē ׊×× × ××Ļ××ĸר ×××¤×¨× ××× ××× ×ץ×ר××Ē ×××׊××Ē ׊××××Ē×.
×× ××××××××, ××ĸ×¨× ××××× ××Š× × ××Ē×××Ē× ××ĸ׊××Ē ×××× ×××× ×ץ××ר×Ē ×Š× ×× ×ץ×ר××Ē ׊×× × ×¨××× ×× ×Š× × ×××× ×× × ×××× ×׊×Ē×Ŗ ×××Ē×.
*××××× ×¨×§ ×ĸ×׊×× ×Š××Ē× ×× ×××ĸ××Ē ×× ×ץ×× ×Š××.××× ×Ą×ר××Ē ××׊××Ē ׊××Ļ×× ××××Ē× ××Ē ××Š× ×? ××××× ×××?
× ×¨×× ×× ×Š×׊×××Ē× ×¨×§ ××Ē ×קץ ×× ××Š× ××Ē ×90.××× ×Ą×ר××Ē ××Š× ××Ē ×׊×××Ē× ××Š× ×? ×××Ē ×× ××× ××××Ē×?
Hacks××××× ×ĸ×× ×Ē ×××Š× ×Š× ×Ą××¨× ×Š××Ļ×× ××Š× × ××× × ×× ××Ē× (××××ר ×ĸ×× × 2 ×××ĸ××)?
×××× × ×¨×××Ē× ××Š× × ×× ××Ē ××ĸ×× × ×ר×׊×× × ×Š× Outer Range ××× ××Ē ××Š× ××, ××× ××Š× ×× ××××Ē× ××××× ××ץ××Ē ×ר×׊×× ×.××××× ×ĸ×× ×Ē ×××Š× ×Š× ×Ą××¨× ×Š××Ļ×× ××Š× × ××× ××Ē×××××Ē× (××××ר ×ĸ×× × 2 ×××ĸ××)?
× ××¨× ×××× ×× ××× ×ĸ× Star Trek: Lower Decks - ××ר××Ē ׊×פ×××Ē ק×××× ×Ą××× ×Š× ××׊ ××× ×××××.ץ×ר××Ē ×Š× ×××¨× ××Š× × ××Ē×Ē××ĸ××ĸ× ×××××?
×Ļ××× ×Ē× ×׊ר׊×ר ×××ר ׊××Ē×××Ē× ×פר׊×Ē× ××¤× ××××ץץ×ר××Ē ׊פר׊×Ē× ×××?
×פ××× ×Š××Ļ×פ×××Ē ׊×× ××× × ××× ×× ×§×× ××Ē ×ĸ×××× ××פ×Ē×ĸ×Ē× ××××× ××××Ē× ××××¨× ×× ××ר××× ×פ×Ē××ĸ ××Ē×× ××××× ××××××××× ××Š× ×?
ר×פ×× ×××× ×××××. ××× ××××××× ×××ר ××× ×××ר×××× ××Š× × ××××× ×Ē×.××× ×××× ××Ē××?
×× ××Ē××× × ××Ē ××Š× × ×ĸ×××× ×ĸ× ××Ļפ×× ××××ר×Ē ××××¤× ××× ×'×.××× ×ĸ׊××Ē× ×Ļפ×× ×××ר×Ē ××׊×× ××Š× × ×××× ××× × ×× ×Ē×?
×ר×××××××× ××Ļפ×× ××××××××× ××Š× × ××××?
*ץ×ר××Ē ×׊ר×××××Ē ××××××Ē: ××Ļ××, ××פ×× ×××××׊×× ×Š×× ××× ×××ץ××Ŗ [××§×Ą× ××פ׊×, ׊××× × ×ץפ×Ē, ××ר?] ?
×Š× × ×ר×׊×× ×× ×× ×§×:×× ×××פ 3 ץ×ר××Ē (××׊××Ē ×××Š× ××Ē) ׊×ĸ×Š× ××× ××Ē ××Š× ×?
××××××××××××××××× ××פץ*××××× ×¨×§ ×ĸ×׊×× ×Š××Ē× ×× ×××ĸ××Ē ×× ×ץ×× ×Š××.
ק×Ļ×Ē ×ר××The Umbrella Academy ××××Ē× ×§×Ļ×Ē ×××××
×× ××Ē× ×××× ××××פ×Ē××ĸ ×××Ē× ×Š××× ×× ×ĸ×× ×××
×פ××× ×Š××Ļ×פ×××Ē ׊×× ××× × ××× ×× ×§×× ××Ē ×ĸ×××× ××פ×Ē×ĸ×Ē× ××××× ××××Ē× ××××¨× ×× ××ר×
×Ē×Ļ×¤× ×Š×× ××Ą×¨× ×××Ē×ĸ×××ר×פ×× ×××× ×××××. ××× ××××××× ×××ר ××× ×××ר×××× ××Š× × ××××× ×Ē×.
×ĸ×× ×××Ē??????? ××A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms - ץ××¨× ×××Š× ××ĸ××× ×Š× ×׊××§× ××ץ.
×× ×× ××× ×× ×× × ×××ר×Ē ××פק××Ē ×××××××Ē ××××Ļ××××Ē ׊××.*ץ×ר××Ē ×׊ר×××××Ē ××××××Ē: ××Ļ××, ××פ×× ××××
×××× ×Š×× ×× ×× ×¨×§ ×××Š× ×??? ××Ē× ×× × ×ר×××ץ×ר××Ē ׊ר×Ļ××Ē ×ר×××Ē ××× ×× ×××ĸ×Ē ×××:
(×׊ ×× ××× ×× ×× ×ר×× ×Š×× ××××)
××××, Earth Abides, The Great North, From, The Franchise, ×פ×× ×××××, The Legend of Vox Machina, Slow Horses, ×××Š×¨× ××ץ×ר×××, The Boy That Never Was, Dead and Buried (2024), Penelope (2024), Batman: Caped Crusader, Douglas Is Cancelled, Those About to Die, The Big Door Prize, My Lady Jane, Dinner with the Parents, Franklin (2024), A Gentleman in Moscow, The Sympathizer, Beacon 23, Reginald the Vampire, Chucky, Velma, Masters of the Air, True Detective, Constellation, Reacher, Terminator Zero, KAOS, Arcane, Sweetpea, !Hysteria, Rivals, Say Nothing, Interior Chinatown, ××× ×Š× ×× ×Š× ××××××Ē
××××× × ×Š×׊ ×ĸ×× ×Š×× ×× × ××××ר ×××פ׊ ×× ××Ļ× ××Š× × ×× ×× × ×××Ļ×. ׊×× ×××ר ×ĸ× ×Ą×ר××Ē ׊×× ××Ļ×× ××Š× × ××× ×× × ×¨××Ļ× ××׊×××
×Š× × ×ר×׊×× ×× ×× ×§×:
Agatha All Along
פ×××× ×××Ē רק ץ××¨× ×Š××׊××Ē ××ĸ××× ×Š× ×׊××§× ××ץ.×ĸ×× ×××Ē??????? ××
×× ××Ē× ×××× ×××
×× × ×××× ××× ××Ē ××׊××Ē ׊×× × ×××× ××× ××× ××׊ ××׊ ××.×××× ×Š×× ×× ×× ×¨×§ ×××Š× ×??? ××Ē× ×× × ×ר×××
×× × ×× ×¨××Ļ× ×××××Ē ××ĸ×Ļ×× ××× ××ĸ× ××Ē.
××× ×× ×× ××׊ ×§×Š× ×× ××ĸ× ××Ē ×××× ×Š×× ××Ļר×× ×ר×× ××׊×× ×ĸ×××¨× ××§×Š× ×× ××פ×Ŗ ××׊×× ×××. ××××ר ×§×Š× ×× ×ĸ× ×××׊×× ×Š×× × ×׊×× ××Ļ××× ××ר×× ×Š×××××× ××××Ē× ×× ×פ××× ×Š×××××× ×××××× ×××Ē×.
××ĸ×׊×× ××××ר ××× × ×¨××Ļ× ××Ļ×ĸ×× ××ק×× ××ר ×× ××××ר ×× ×× × ×× ×Ą× ××ĸ× ××Ē ××ר.
×× × ×ק×× ×׊××× ×Ē×××ר××Ē ×××Ļק××Ē ×ĸ× ×× ×Ē ×××ר×× ×××Ē×.
×× × ×ק ××Ļ××× ××ĸ××× ××× ×× ××× ××××!××××ק ×××× × ×× ×× ×× ×× ××פ×Ŗ, ××× ××ĸ××ר ×ĸ× ×× ×¨×Š××××Ē ×ץ×ר××Ē ׊×Ļפ××Ē× ××× ××ק××× ×ק×××ר×××Ē ×××Ē×××××Ē ×׊××××...
×פ׊ר. ×× × ×Ē××× ×ĸ×× × ××××. ×× ××××× ×××××× ×ĸ× ×××ר×× ××ĸ×Ļ××× ×¤×××× ××× ×¨×Ļ××Ē× ×פ×Ē×× ×¤××Ą× ×ĸ× "××Ļ×ĸ× ×Ą×ר××Ē" ××××¨× ×××× , ×ץ×× ×× ×Š× ××Ļ×ĸ× ×ץ×ר××Ē ×Š× ×××××...רק ׊××××ר ×××ר×× TOP10 (××× ××××¨× ×××× ×Š×ĸ×× ××Š× ×, ××× ××× ×Š× ×Ļ×¤× ××Š× ×) ××× TOP3 ×ץ×ר××Ē ××× ×¤×××Ē ×××××Ē ×Š× ×Ļפ×... ׊×× ××ĸ×Ļ× ×¤×××Ē ×Ē×××ĸ× × ××׊ר ××ĸ× ××Ē ×ĸ× ×Š×××× ×ק×××ר×××Ē ׊×× ××Ē...
××× ×ק××Š× ××××Š× ××× ×¨×§ ×ק×× ××××× ××× ××Ē×ĸ×××Ŗ.
×× ×××ר××? @didalf @××× × ×××Ē×× ××××Ēר? ×× ×פ×Ē×× ××××× ×׊×××ĸ?
××¤×¨× ××××× ××Ē ×××ק×× ××ר ×פ××Ą× ×ĸ×Ļ××.
××××× ×Š××Ē ××× ××× ×ĸ× ××× ×ר×× ×××× ×¤× ××××׊×× ××Ē×ר××Ē ×××××× ×× ×ק. ×ĸ×ק פ×ר×× ×××××××.×× ××Ē× ××׊ ק××§× ××× ××× ×ץפ×ר - ×××× ×Ą×ר××Ē ץ×"× ×Ļפ××Ē× ××Š× ×? ×× × ×× ×§×ק×, ×× × ×× ××× ××Ē×ר××Ē ×ĸ× ×¨×Š××××Ē. ×Ļפ××Ē× ×-48 ץ×ר××Ē. ××× ×ĸ×× ×× ×ץ×Ē×××× ××Š× × ×× ×××× ×××× ×ĸ××.
××× ×Ą×ר××Ē ××׊××Ē ׊××Ļ×× ××××Ē× ××Ē ××Š× ×? ××××× ×××? Territory, Agatha All Along ××××Ē× ×××× ××Ē ׊×Ē×××, ××× ×¨×§ ××××Ē ×Ļפ××Ē× ××× ×¤×ĸ×××.
××××× ×Ą×ר××Ē ××Š× ××Ē ×׊×××Ē× ××Š× ×? ×××Ē ×× ××× ××××Ē×? WandaVision, Legion, Daisy Jones & The Six, Class of 09, Calls ××× ××××Ē× ××Ē ××××× ××ŗ×× ×Ą.
×××××× ×× ×× ××× ×ץ×ר ×× × ××׊ר.ץ×ר××Ē ×Š× ×××¨× ××Š× × ××Ē×Ē××ĸ××ĸ× ×××××? ××× ×× ×Ą××¨× ×Š×ץ×Ē×××× ××Š× ×, ××× ×¨×××Ē× ××Ē פר×× ××ŗ, ×××ק׊ ××ק××¨× ×-××ŗ××¤×Ą× ××Ļפ×××Ē ×××ר××Ē ××ĸ×Ļ×× ×× ×Š×Š××׊×Ē× ×ץ×Ē×××× ××× × ××Ē××ĸ××ĸ×Ē ×××××. ×× × ×׊×?
×× × ××Ē× ×ĸ××× ××× ×× ×Š××× ×ĸ××Š× × ×Š××ĸ ×× ×× ×××ĸ×× ×Š×× × ×פ××× ×× ×× ×Ą×××Ē×××××Ē× ×× ×׊×Ē× ×ץ×ר××Ē ×Š× ××× ×Ą××× (×ק××× ×××× ××ק) ×××Ē×××××Ē× ××ĸ×Ļ×× ×Š×××××Ē× ×ĸ× ×Š×Ē××× ×××Ēר ×××× ×××.
×× ×ĸ׊××Ē× ×Ļפ××× ×××ר×Ē ××××ŗ×Ē× ×××Š× ×××× ×××׊ ×××Ļ× ×× ×× × ×׊×.
××××××××× ××Ļפ×× ××××××××× ××Š× × ××××? ×ĸ×× × 4 ×Š× ×Ē××× ××Ē ×××קר!!!!
××Ē? ××× ×× ××ר×Ē?×׊×× ×Š×× ××× ×××ץ××Ŗ [××§×Ą× ××פ׊×, ׊××× × ×ץפ×Ē, ××ר?] ? ×× × ××××××Ē ×××××¨× ×¤××××.
××× ×× ××ĸ׊××Ē ×פ×ĸ××× ×Ļפ×× ×××ר×Ē ×××× ×××Ēר ××× ××ר ××׊.×× ×××פ 3 ץ×ר××Ē (××׊××Ē ×××Š× ××Ē) ׊×ĸ×Š× ××× ××Ē ××Š× ×?
1. ×Ē××× ××Ē ×××קר
2. ×××ק׊ ××ק×ר×
3. פר×× ××ŗ
××Ē ××Ē×××× ×Ē ׊×××Š× ×××׊ ×××Ļ× ×Ļפ××Ē ×× ××× ××× ×××Ē× ××××Ē××× ××ĸ× ×ץ××Ŗ?×× ×ĸ׊××Ē× ×Ļפ××× ×××ר×Ē ××××ŗ×Ē× ×××Š× ×××× ×××׊ ×××Ļ× ×× ×× × ×׊×.
×××× ×× ×Š×× ×× ×××× ××Ē ×××Ē×, ××× ×× ×פ××× ×× ×××× ××Ē ××××¨× ×¤××××.×× ×××פ 3 ץ×ר××Ē (××׊××Ē ×××Š× ××Ē) ׊×ĸ×Š× ××× ××Ē ××Š× ×?
1. ×Ē××× ××Ē ×××קר
2. ×××ק׊ ××ק×ר×
3. פר×× ××ŗ
×× × ×¨×× ×× ×§×Š× ××××Ē× ××××.××××ק ×××× × ×× ×× ×× ×× ××פ×Ŗ, ××× ××ĸ××ר ×ĸ× ×× ×¨×Š××××Ē ×ץ×ר××Ē ׊×Ļפ××Ē× ××× ××ק××× ×ק×××ר×××Ē ×××Ē×××××Ē ×׊××××...
××Ē×ĸ×Ļ× ××ĸ׊××Ē ×××Ē, ×ק××× ×××Ļ×× ××× ××××Š× ×׊×××ĸ.
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××× ×ק××Š× ××××Š× ××× ×¨×§ ×ק×× ××××× ××× ××Ē×ĸ×××Ŗ.
×× ×××ר××? @didalf @××× × ×××Ē×× ××××Ēר? ×× ×פ×Ē×× ××××× ×׊×××ĸ?
××¤×¨× ××××× ××Ē ×××ק×× ××ר ×פ××Ą× ×ĸ×Ļ××.
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