2 שאלונים נחמדים :)


כמו רובכם- תומאס [איזה תמונה מפחידה שמו לו
] "This is me for forever one of the lost ones..." You are Tuomas, the soul, the spirit of music of the band! The poet who seeking for hope inside the nature,the dark,the love,inside the world...inside his self! Those tales of him showing us the beauty of a lost soul! Oh,if only your hearts had a home! והשיר - KNOW WHY THE NIGHTINGALE SINGS "Landing safely to the blue lagoon" Free, powerful, daring, optimistic You're a lover of nature and of all things unspoiled. You search God in the beauty that is all around you (and you do have an eye for seeing the beautiful where others just walk by).