Marks in the sand
Uri, Yup, we don't talk about these things very often, do we. Anyway, Arava is very good at touching on all kinds of important issues. I'd love to answer in detail to some of those which are contained in her last posting, if I could only find the time for it (maybe later tonight). People tend to generalize out of their own personal experiences, which is something one should be very aware of and try to avoid at all costs. Reality is by far more variegated and multifarious than any one of us can ever expect to meet personally. That every person is different is a truism frequently forgotten. On the other hand, there are some common experiences many people do share. That's the problem: to be capable to find similarity within variety, and variety within similarity. Sure, some MtoFs do work long hours as they are not encumbered by childcare, but then, you see, many lesbians are in the same situation, and even a few married hetero women. So what does this say about MtoFs? Not much in my view. The transition process is a very intense part of any TS life, but once it is finished, it recesses into the past. The intensity of the crossing over process is erased by our everyday experiences, much like marks in the sand are wiped away by the waves. After transition we are just who we are, men or women or anything in between, living our lives like everyone else. Nora