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The boys from mcfly are riding high-having split from there label. Island records, they have hit the ground running with thier new albums Radio:ACTIVE, and funky hit single lies. Topping the charts with 7 number one hits since 2004 the boys are on a roll and are hurtling towards international stardom. While the foursome whip manu a crowd into a frenzy, the red carpet has been known to send them running in the oppisite direction, far happier with a surf bord tucked under thier arms, or a pint in their local. Taking a moment out from thier hectic shedules we chatted to the gorgeous Harry,Danny,Tom and Dougie about cheesy chat-up lines, schmoozing with simon cowell and Rod stewart and headlining at the olympics... Harry you started you careers as boys,now you're men, whats it like growing up in the limlight? It's hard because were a lot buisier than people our age, other people from the age of 16-22 just get to chill and enjoy things a lot more, but then we have lots of other benifits. So, do you get to have any time off at the moment ? We've actually justt got back from a 3 day camping trip and we drank far too much. I'm normallt very professional and lively, I promise- but im just so exhausted. Did you meet any cute girls on your camping trip? It was lads only. There were nine lads, no ladies. Our readers would love to know which of you is still single? Dougie is still single, hes a sly dog when it comes to girls, hes certainly improved over the years! Whos the biggest ladies man ? Tom: Danny or harry, but danny is probably worse. They're both a couple of charmers, they're good in social situations. Dougie, you've left your label- what's it like being your own boss? It's like being the headmaster of your school. Its actually like being the pupil and the headmaster. It means we can put harry in detention when he's naughty! Danny: IT's a different stress, because now it's all on us but its great. Tom: This is probably the best year of our career and we're doing it on our own. Everyone is really supporting us. We're still doing catchy pop tunes, but it's just a real step us in quality. When we went to australia, there was no pressure on us, no realise date and I think thats when we cam up with some of our best stuff. What was it like making the new album in Australia? Tom: It was one of the best times of my life. The chicks in australia are the hottest in the world, they're all natural, they're all tannes, they're just absolutely amazing. I was gobsmaked! There was a lot of flesh on show. The hottest girls in the world ? Danny: I think they're in brazil myself. We're going there soon, but i do have a girlfried. I like to keep my girlfriend out of the picture, she's a photographer, but this is work, my job is my job and my private life is private. How does she cope with you getting all this female attention, then? She just lives with it. She's cool, she doesnt mind. Or thats what she says! Tom: When a girl gets involved with anyone of us they know the score, they expect it a I suppose its just a test of wheter the relationship can work or not. I've been with her for 5 years a i guess that shows how strong we are. Whats the silliest thing you've ever been sent by a fan? Harry: Pretty standard stuff lke bras and knickers. We mainly get nice presents sent to uss, not wierd ones, i get given marmite and i got malt bread once- actually that was pretty wierd! Tom and dougie often get star wars stuff. Danny: I got sent a monkey dressed as me once. Now that was really quite weird. Who has left you starstruck? Harry: Katie Holmes spoke to us at the Dark Night premire and we were at a really small party with hugh drant and simon cowell which was a bit surreal. And then i was watching X factor and i was like : 'That's wierd I was out wiith him the other night' Danny: Rod stewart was really cool. He gave me his Brietling watch. I was out having dinner with him and some friends and we were talking about Brietling watched and he happened to have one and said i could have it! Tom: For me it was Green Day when we got our BRIT awards- that was amazing. They even popped open our champagne for us. You mentioned watching the X Factor? Who is your fave, Cheryl or Danni? Harry: This is the best bit of the X Factor: I love the audition process. I'd pick Cheryl, I meaan Danni;s hot, but Cheryl is hotter! Dougie: God, I have to say i haven't switched my TV on in the last couple of months! But that doesn't matter, It's got to be Cheryl! It must have been an honour to headline at the Olympics handover ceremony... Harry: It was great signing the winner takes it all. Everyone was like, well done guys, but I just wanted to be one of the athletes, they're the real heroes, I didnt have a gold medal toung my neck and I didnt feel like I'd achieve anything. Danny: Oh, God I was c***ping myself! It was such an honour, though, to be asked to be part off it and to be playing there right infront of Buckingham Palace. We left on a jet, we had a gig in Carlisle, you really have to pinch yourself when stuff like that happens.​

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Which one of you is the best dressed? Harry: Danny and Dougie take the most care. Danny really likes shopping, he has a hundred pairs of shoes and i have one pair, which i just lost! He's got boxes and boxes, he can't contain his want for things. I'm scrooge McDuck! No, thats not true, I've bought a flat and a car. Danny: That's true, I do love shopping. Lots of shoes. What's your most cringey red carpeet moment? Harry: We're always cringing on the red carper ... at ourselves! Every time we step out of the car we cringe. You never know what reaction you're going to get. We want to walk in really quickly, but we don't want to be rude and ignore the paparazzi, not that they use our photos anyway! WE get embarresed when people start looking at us- most people love it , but we think they're saying bad stuff. We think they're pointing because they hate us. Danny: WE all want to run away and hide - that moment when you step out of the car, you dont know if they're going to scream of what they're going to do. We're just apologetic, wejust feel a bit intimidated. What had been your most surreal showbiz experience? Harry: We were supposed to be going down to Alton Towers to do a charity thing with Chris Evans. When we got to his house he'd forgotten about ius and was just taking off in his helicopter, but he landed agin, took us to Alton Towers and we went on the ride Onblivion sbout ten times and then went home is his helecopter! It felt like a very showbiz day, having the wholse place to ourselves. What has been your best gig ever? Harry: I love every show we do. I give 150 million percent to every show and I love all of them in different ways. I get shin splints in my legs and it gets really painful, but I just power on through. What's the best party you've been to? Tom: We love hous parties, we all live in the same street and so we hang out together a lot- we don't like the wholse clubbing scene and the whole celebrity thing isn't for us Who is your celebrity crush? Dougie: Natilie Portman. I think she's quite intelligent , though- I might be a bit stupid for her! I really don't think I'd have a chance with her. I'd have to do a bit of research before sitting down for a chat with her. I'd go study politics and smart things! Tom, you're the most likely to get married first- would you have a big bash? I don't really have any celebrity friends, so not really. I think I'd just make sure I had a nice suit on anf I turned up at the right time. Do you still feel you have a lot to achieve? We want this album to be our first international album and we want to go back to Australia were we recorded it and promote it. Do you guys ever get sick of each other? No, no we bicker, but nothing major. We've been too bust having good times !​


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"Dougie: Natilie Portman. I think she's quite intelligent , though- I might be a bit stupid for her! I really don't think I'd have a chance with her. I'd have to do a bit of research before sitting down for a chat with her. I'd go study politics and smart things!" המ?0_0 חח נחמד
תודה [:

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פה יש גם סריקות,אני אוסיף בהודעה הבאה.
Tom Fletcher 23, Harry Judd and Danny Jones both 22 and the 20-year-old Dougie Poynter assure Star they're all grown up. Danny says: We've got pubes and beards now... Well, wer're still trying to grow those, but we're definitly maturing. However, when Star arrives at the boys' plush london hotel suite to talk about thier new album and single, they are aruging about the toilet, Hatty is disgusted that Tom has created a bit of a stink and is very concerned that we would be offended by the smell. We're not, but we are wondering about their claims of maturity... Hi boys! We're loving your new single, Lies. so whats the worst lie you've told? Danny: i dont tell lies... thats the biggest lie i've ever told! Dougie : I think Tom is lying about learning to fly [Tom is currently training to get a pilots licence] Tom: Im not lying, I really am learning to fly! Im going to be done soon Would the rest of you get in a plane wth him Harry: Yeah I trust him Dougie I dont kniow if i do! Tom: [Looks offended] The thing is i wouldnt mess around and be dunnt and so stupid thing... You have to take it seriously Danny: I will get in a plan with you, mae, but i would crap myself. Dougie: Im not woorried about your flying its the landings. You've told me some dodgy things about your landings. Tom [gets very defensive] All student piliots do bad landings, its like when you're learning to park a car- sometimes you screw it up. Dougie Exactly and i have this fear about the grounf speeding towards me Ok so speaking of death, is there anything that you still want to achieve befroe you die? Danny: Yeah we've still got loads to achieve- we've got goals to hit as a band. We need to go out to Europe and achieve all that Dougie Personal growth thats what i want to achieve- just in general [ The rest of the boys laugh [ Danny: I've played football at Wembley [ as part of this years soccer aid team ]- thats an achievement. That's one goal in my life complete. Did you all do it? Danny: No i tried to get harry to come but he said he was too unfit. Harry: No, i asked you a month ago to get me on the list and you didnt do it. Danny: I told you i wasnt sorting it out, you would have to. Harry: Lies Lies Lies -you said you would [ star feels awkward as the boys start to argue again ] Obviously you spend a lot of time together. Do you always bicker like this? Danny: Yeah, little things like this. Harry: You know I'm always right, Danny! I argue with Tom and Dougie and i'll admit im wrong, but with Danny I know that i'm always right. So who causes the most arguments in the group? Harry: Dougie probably causes the least, but then again, maybe it's actually him that causes them ... Tom: He doesn't get involved. He feeds the fire,though Have you ever had a massive fight? Tom: Yes it was years ago. Lots of bands split up because they dont on, so i think it;s better if we have a little bicker and get over it and are laughing again in two minutes. Harry: It's good to get it out of our system. Although, Danny still looks a bit angry! [Danny laughs] Is it true that you live on the same street now? Danny: Yeah, I want to put a zip-line from my bedroom into Tom's garden. Itwould be amazing. Do you pop round to each other's houses to borrow a cup of sugar? Tom: i never have any food to borrow harry: I have nothing in my cupboards at the moment. Tom: dougie is notmalle well-stocked because he has lizards so he has to have lettice for them, we mostly steal his food. You're a good-looking bunch. What would you say are your best physical features? I like my belly button. I'd rather have mine than yours harry! Harry: i dont understand- whats wrong with mine? Danny: can we stop talking about it- I get wierd about belly buttons. They are my phobia. Harry: I've got a half innie/half outie. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be ? Danny: Id change my freckled-spread them out a bit so i can get a tan. Harry: I dont think id change anything really- Im perfect Danny: Come on, you'd chisel that nose down. Harry: The problem is, I don't know when to stop. For example: when you start to shave of your pubes, you take a little bit off, then a bit more, but then you end up with none. If i chisle my nose, I'd do the same, I'd take more and more off, and then I'd end up looking like Micheal Jackson. Er ok! If tou weren't in McFly would you audition for the X Factor? Danny: You probably would see me on the show. Tom: It's hard to know, because begore being in the band, you relly want stuff like that- it's the type of thing that's going to change your life. Do you thinkg it's good for the music industry to have such shows? Danny: It's entertainment, but it's been a bit fake. It's about wanting your five minutes of fame. Harry: Some acts have been really amazing, though- like Leona Lewis Cheryl Cole has been taking time out of Girls Aloud to be a judge on The X Factor. Would any of you fancy joing Simon Cowell on the show's panel? Danny: Yeah, i fancy her... Oh sorry i though that was the question. Dougie: I fancy her as a judge, she's hot. Tom: Everytime she comes on its just like. Woah! She is the most perfect-looking woman in the world. It's ridculous. Danny: It just makes you feel gorgeous she is. Dougie: It makes me feel very frustrated! You didnt acually answer the question there, boys! So, when you see Cheryl , do you all tell her about your frustrations? Danny: No! I can't talk to her at all- I get all embaressed and run away. Dougie- All im thinking is: Please don;t let me throw up in front of her. If Cheryl asked you to do a duet, would you? Dougie: Hell yeah! That would be awsome. Tom: We could do a new song. Harry: Or we could cover Bilinda Carlisle's Heaven Is a Place On Earth. Danny: Heaven really is a place on earth if you're with Girls Aloud. [ Dougie starts signing the song ] Tom: We should get on it and do a charity cover together for Children in Need. So, apart from Cheryl, are there any other celebrities you would like to pull? Danny: Natalie Portman, Rachel Bilson, Sienna Miller... Tom: It has always been Katie Holmes for me. Harry: Probably Colin Farell. He's my gay crush. I'd pull him if I was gay. I just alwaus saw men now- it's funnier. Are any of you single? Dougie: Just me. Harry are you still dating Izzy from Britains got talent finalists Escala? Harry: Good question! I dunnp, it's a bit awkward. Maybe we should just leave that one unanswered for now... Oops! Tom you've been with your girlfriend Giovanna since before McFly started. Have you even been tempted to have a quickle wedding in Las Vegas like Peaches Geldof? Tom: Me and dougie were gonna go to Vegas and get married, but then he ditched me for harry. Dougie: Harry asked me first! When more of you were single, who was the best at pulling? Dougie: I used to call harry 'Alfie' because he was pretty epoc back in the days. Speaking of Harry's legendary pulling skills, are any of you still in contact with Lindsat Lohan? [Harry admitted to spending the night with her] All: No Harry what really went on with you and her? Harry: I dont want to talk about it, sorry Ok. So what do you think about her and Samantha Ronson? Danny: Urgh,God! Dougie: It's awsom​

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Do you think Lindsay's doing it for publicity? Dougie: I don't know, but it works for me. Hell yeah! Danny: Lindsay could have gone foe a more attractive girl than samantha though. Dougie: Ooh bitchy! Poor Samantha. Danny: Yeah, but you know, when you see lesbian, it's like two blondes, and it's like: Oh yeah! Dougie: They are a pretty hot lesbain couple. Tom: I don't think they are doing it to turn you on. Danny: Thats true You've been together as a band for 4 years now- are you suprised that you've lasted so long? Dougie: With chat like that from Danny, i'm suprised. Danny: I'll just shut up then. Tom: No, we 100 per cent think our music is amazing- welove the band. We all get on, we're really pleased that other people like it as well. Long may it continue. Loads of former boybands have got back together recently. Could you ever imagine doing a McFly comeback tour when you're all in your thirties? Harry: Why would those bands do that? Right, I'm going to upset someone here... Five guys that sing and dance and don't write thier own songs- what satisfaction do they get out of it? They probably don't get on that well, so they're gonna want to break up. Then 10 years later they're gonna think, Lets cash in. It's not like that with us. because we actually plau our sounds and write the music, so why would we break up? Rant over! We can only assume you're talking about Take That? Harry: Nice try- but we're not naming names! But you boys won't be splitting any time soon? Tom: As long as we continue being friends like we are now. we could go on forever. If all of it ended one day, would you ever consider going on a reality TV show like Celebrity Big Borhter or Strictly Come Dancing? Tom: No. not unless they offered me a lot of money. Danny: No, I think Strictly... is a good show, but i can't do that sort of dancing. Harry: I think maybe if we were older but, at the moment, I'd never put mydelf out there. Danny: I couldn't get myself into one of those costumes. Tom: We're not into being in the public eye like that. Jade Goody recently found out that she has cervical cancer on the Indian version of Big Brother. Do you think reality TV has gone too far? Harry: Surely that's rediculous finding out like that. Dougie: It's a bit freaky. Tom: She must have given the show permission to go that. She'd had tests and she must have allowed them to reveal the results [on TV] Harry: Either way, it must have been horrible for her- McFly wish her well and hope she makes a speedy recovery. Moving on, then. Do you have many funny fan encounters? Tom: We met a fan yesterday who didn't like Dougie. It was amazing. He was, like, seven years old and he was saying: Tom, you're my hero. Harry, I love you. Danny your great. But i dont like Dougie! Dougie: He didn't realise i was round the corner, so started chanting with his friends: Who' the worst? Dougie! Danny: It was brilliant. Finally Harry you recently said it's crap getting free stuff as a celebrity. Surely you don't really think that... Harry: Oh no! It's not crap, just a lot of what you get sent is the stuff you don't really want. Tom: Recently we got given some really cool stuff- like we each got a IPod, which was awsome. But then we got sent another IPod then another one - so now I've got 3 IPods. When you get the it's amsome, but then they sit in your cupboard and end up as presents for people. Harry: It't not we don't like it, it's just too much stuff and it clutters up your house.​
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