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מקפליי יופיעו בThe Paul O'Grady Show היום ויש סרטון של ריקוד ברזילאי שהם רוקדים. מצחיק לגמריי!
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ybJru9Q-AFA לקחו מפה:
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/article1733909.ece הארי ודאגי Holy Moly. ראיון הזוי, תבינו למה כשתראו D:
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Hc1N1iythQE התודות של מקפליי מהדיסקים למי שרוצה:
Tom's Thanks: Fletch and Richard, thanks for everything. We truly owe it all to you. Thanks for your beliefe and vision, for always looking at the big picture, keeping us grounded and putting up with us. Mum and Dad thanks for my life, we finally got to see the space shuttle!! Bumface Carrie, love you loads. Giovanna, I wouldn't last a single day without you and I wouldn't want to! All my amazing family, Nan & Granddad, The Lambs, Snow White and the Postman, all the Fletchers and the people that I don't see often enough to have surrported McFLY over the years. My Friends, Hopper, McNab, Jama, Grom, Millie & the kids, Teresa and David, Mark and Fi, Pete and Jacqui, Big and little Mario, Kim and Giorgina, Leia and Aurora, Flea, Bruce, Izzy, Olivia, and lots of others love you all, thanks for all the good times! Jason "Stinkpip" Perry. If there was ever a fifth member in mcfly it would be you. Thank you for helping us make the best album on the planet. We had a kick in the ass time in Austrlia and came back with something that surpassed my expectations. If we hadn't met you and Julian a few years ago, we wouldn't be the band or the people we are today. Julian Emery, you absolute legend. Again, we owe you so, so much. You and Jase are the nicest people I have ever met. Thank you. Thansk to Tom Lord-Alge for making our songs sound awesome! All the people at 301 that helped make this record, Mike and Az, you made the whole experience so much fun. Nat, Ric, Jordan, John and Virginia, you all made us so welcome and gave us a trip we'll never forget. Wendy, what can I say? You are truly epic. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication! All the guys from The Matrix, Lauren, Graham, Scott and Gary. It was incredible writing with you guys and I really hope we can do it again soon. Hope you like the songs! James Bourne, we caught another couple of big ones. Cheers for everything dude. Tommy Jay-Smith, thanks for your hard work and dedication to us. We owe you a lot! Darren, thanks for always giving your honest opinion! Paul Franklin, thanks for all the amazing shows since the beginning and to many more! Ratleg Craig, cheers for your awesome organ playing! Saved me some severe embarrassment! Thanks to the smartest keyboard player in the land, Jamie Norton. Simon Hale, great working with you again. Oh, and thanks to Heidi Klopper on the cowbell. Thanks to all the brand new SUPER RECORDS team! Stephanie Twaddle, Jason Guy, Rachel Dicks and all at Big Sister, Woolfie and Leighton, everyone at Hackford Jones, Cliff Ryan and James Collin thanks for looking after us. Thanks Mellissa for doing what you can to make my massive chin and greasy hair look good! And to everyone else. These are new and exciting times for us and we couldn't do it without you all so thanks a lot! Neil and the guys at Zip, Alex Lake and Hassan Patterson, cheers! Thanks to all our incredible fans for sticking with us for the past 5 years. This album has come 100% from our brains to your ears. So turn it up and enjoy, and we'll see you on tour. Finally, the best friend and band mates anyone could ever wish for: Danny, Dougie and Harry. What can I say? Making this album has been one of the best experiences of my life. It was truly awesome. Everything sounds so amazing. I am actually in my favourite band! We've finally made the album we've always wanted. It's only taken us 5 years to do it! Thanks for everything. And so I'll leave you with the words of the great Buzz Lightyear. To Infinity and Beyond! Danny's Thanks: First, thank you to my mum, sister, nan and grandad for always supporting me all these years, Prestige management Fletch, Richard and Darren Everyone at SUPER RECORDS , Wendy Wu, Steph "'twadders' Twaddle and Jason Guy I would be rubbish without you guys. Whilst making the album, thanks to Jason Perry, Julian Emery, Mike and az, our engineers in Australia not forgetting Jordon The legend Tom Lord-Alge for mixing the whole album, it sounds amazing. Rick and Arlen for documenting the whole experience. Nat Hill for getting Harry through the marathon and welcoming us to Oz. Everyone at zip, spiiiieeeeeeeeeelllll that's Neil wehhhh Tommy J smith, our Tour Manager Everyone at Hungry and Woods, Leighton and Woolfie legends... hackford Jones , Simon and Lauren great work Everyone at Big sister, Mike and Rachel, thanks for all your great work too and everyone at Radiiactuve Thanks to Mel It's awesome to have you all on board with SUPER RECORDS Most importantly to all our SUPER fans, I love you all and thanks for the support. Brucey and chocolate face. p.s: thanks to Kiehl's, Paul Mitchell, Reebok, Ben Sherman, Junk de lux, Electric, Von Zipper, Nixon and Red Bull. Rod Stewart thanks for my Breitling watch and for the nice
אני אמשיך בהודעה הבאה... האתר החדש של מקפליי עלה לאוויר
http://mcfly.com/ וגם 3 תמונות של דאגי ודני מחתימות.