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The Mail on Sunday's exclusive giveaway of the new McFly album boosted its circulation 300,000 copies above its non-promotional average to 2.4m copies, according to estimates. The release of McFly's Radio:ACTIVE CD through the paper on Sunday meant it sold about 20,000 more copies than it did the previous week when it gave away a Barry Manilow greatest hits album, according to industry estimates. The members of McFly - Tom Fletcher, Danny Jones, Dougie Poynter and Harry Judd - set up the deal after leaving Universal and setting up a self-funded label, Super Records. Industry estimates put the sale at 2.38m copies and Miron said the sale could go as high as 2.5m when all counting had been finalised. He said many regional areas sold out but London was an average sale. more written here http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2008/jul/23/pressandpublishing1
כן כן, 300,000 עותקים
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