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עוד כמה דברים קטנים:
מקפליי, The Feeling ו-וויל יאנג יהיו בלונדון לכבוד
the London Olympic Handover gig עוד אמנים שיהיו בהופעה שתיקח מקום ב-24 לאוגוסט, יכללו את הלהקה
Scouting For Girls ו-
ג'יימס מוריסון. ההופעה תתקיים ב"קניון" [זה השם חח]
The Mall, ליד ארמון באקינגהאם, באותו הזמן שבו יהיה טקס סיום של האולימפידיה בבייג'ינג. 40,000 כרטיסים להופעה יוקצו למעריצים על ידי הגרלה. זה ישודר בערוץ BBC ONE וב-BBC Radio 2.
MUSIC VIDEO FROM LIES BASED ON MAD MAX MOVIE מקפליי היו אתמול בסומרסט כדי לצלם את את הוידאו הבא LIES. הלהקה השתמשה בחוף בארו כדי לצלם והוידאו יהיה בסגנון הסרט "MAD MAX". כל אלה שהיו במחוז סדג'מור נשבעו לנהוג בסודיות לגבי צילומי הוידאו כדי להימנע משיבושים שאולי היו נגמרים ע"י מעריצים. חוף בארו שומש בעוד הרבה סרטים במשך שנים רבות כולל הסרט עם קייט בלנשט "Elizabeth the Golden Age" הצילומים אתמול נערכו עד השעה 22:30 בלילה.
מאמר על Pop In The Park גם מקפליי מוזכרים בו כמובן:
Crowds flock to park’s outdoor pop spectacular ORGANISERS are already planning to stage another Pop in the Park following the success of last weekend’s glittering event. Thousands of people flocked to a series of star-studded concerts at Nantwich’s Dorfold Hall Park to see Welsh opera beauty Katherine Jenkins, boy band McFly and pop sensation Girls Aloud. An estimated 15,000 people attended but gate numbers are still being counted. Organisers at Nantwich Concerts Ltd, a company run by hotelier Phillip Martin and business partner Kenny Thelwall, have announced plans to stage the festival next year. Mr Martin said: “Staging an outdoor event during a British summer is a worry but the weather and turn-out was great. We couldn't have asked for anything more. “During her performance Katherine spoke about how much she enjoyed outdoor concerts and said she would love to come back to Nantwich. So I see no reason why we can’t invite her back next year. “It would certainly be good for the town. Business did well from the weekend. Accommodation was full and that can only be a bonus.” Picnic in the Park saw the mezzo-soprano perform a range of opera classics and songs on from her albums including her hit Time To Say Goodbye Pop in the Park saw McFly perform their hits on Saturday including their new chart-topper Radio Active. Hundreds had camped out the night before to ensure a good view. A lucky few were thrilled to get a private audience with the lads, including Chronicle competition winners, Charlotte Winstanley, 14, of Crewe and Holly Grange, seven, of Woore. The concert also showcased home-grown talent. Support included Wilmslow band Reemer and Sgt Wolfbanger, an Indie-rock outfit from Nantwich, who reached the national finals of Manchester’s Live and Unsigned contest for up and coming bands. Pop pin-ups Girls Aloud were supported on Sunday night by girl-band The Saturdays and Simon Webbe from Blue. Mr Martin added: “The pop acts have a huge teenage following and it was great to see parents enjoying the concerts as much as the youngsters. “There was a police presence, but the behaviour of the youngsters who attended alone was a credit to them.”