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ב-GAC טוענים שיתכן מאוד.
ב-GAC טוענים שיתכן מאוד.
February 15, 2008 - Carrie Underwood used "American Idol" to vault from obscurity to musical superstardom; now it appears she might use music to nudge her way onto the silver screen. US magazine reports she hinted recently that her next project might well be a film, and there's clearly some interest in her on Hollywood's part. "I'm not going to say what I turned down," Carrie noted. "We have had some offers for different things, but nothing has really felt right." At the moment, she'd be happiest if she could tackle something with a light, comedic air. "I know I am not going to be the lead role in some drama," she said, "but if a small fun part comes open, then yes." She might want to talk to Ricky Schroder, who's been writing a screenplay "about an up-and-coming Nashville star who falls in love with a young bull rider," he tells GAC. "It's going to be a good opportunity for a singer to prove her acting ability." Ricky hasn't necessarily had Carrie in mind for it, though. He said he intends to discuss the script with Miranda Lambert and Taylor Swift.
עוד לא החלטתי אם זה מוצא חן בעיני או לא. קרי כבר אמרה בראיונות קודמים שהיא רוצה להיות הראשונה שמתה בסרט אימה, או לשחק תפקיד קטן בקומדיה, בכל מקרה, היא אמרה שהיא לא רוצה תפקיד שלם כי היא רוצה להתמקד במוזיקה. רעות