עובדות על חברי הלהקה - 2

אני אוהבת יותר את השני שלהם../images/Emo223.gif

כנראה בגלל שחרשתי עליו יותר.. ואין לי לא את הראשון ולא את השלישי.. כל פעם אני רוצה לקנות וקורה משהו שבגללו אני לא קונה אולי קונים לי ליומהולדת אבל כנראה שאני מבקשת במקום שיזמינו לי פוסטר של דה יוזד

O L g i T

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אהה אגב..

שכחתי להוסיף את התנצלותיי על זה שאני נדחפת >_>


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ברט - ביוגרפיה

Bert McCracken
Robert McCracken, aka Bert, was born on February 25th of 1982 in Utah. Bert has a brother (Joseph) and three sisters. He has been singing ever since an extremely young age, and he had a very happy childhood as well. His father is even a singer himself. Bert's greatest influence had been Michael Jackson. In school, Bert was never the cool kid and he didnt get along with very many people. He was into band and he was also a gymnist. He has played piano and trumpet. He was in several bands during this time. During 10th grade, Bert finally dropped out of school and became intensely into drugs. He had tried pot, cigarrettes, needles, crack and mainly Crystal Meth. For two years of his life, he was an addict. He became homeless at age 15, and has remained homeless. Finally, the Used had auditions, and Quinn remembered Bert and called him up on a Sunday. Bert clicked with the band perfectly, and became the singer. The first lyrics he wrote were Maybe Memories. They continued to write, and finally got signed. Bert had became more clean than he had been to be in that band. Bert had the habit of vomiting onstage nicknamed "Bertie's madness". The habit is now more rare to see, since Bert can control himself better. He has been diagnosed with pancreatitis, which could lead him to a heart attack some day. During Ozzfest, Bert met Kelly Osbourne and dated her for awhile before breaking up with her on Valentines day. More recently, Bert has a new dog named Gordy and his dear friend, Kate and his unborn child have died. Bert rides on the “party” bus with Quinn and Jeph.​


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ואני לא אגיד "fun" כי חלק פה חרא ברמות
Claims Michael Jackson as his first and greatest musical influence. *Other singers that have influenced him are Robert Plant, Robert Smith, Jim Morrison, Madonna, Dennis Lyxzén and Walter Schreifels. *Bert's parents kicked him out of the house because he rebelled against his Mormon upbringing.​
(או במילים אחרות, סירב לאכול בשר)
*Was a classmate with Quinn at high school and both had the same choir class, before they droped out. *At 17, he was addicted to heroin. However he was able to overcome it through his band's support. Addiction continued to follow him though. According to an interview with McCracken, he used to drink up to 2 bottles of Jack Daniels daily. Constant touring and alcoholism didn't mix well and while on support of The Used's self titled album, he collapsed while performing. After consulting several Doctors he was advised to slow down. Bert is now living a healthier life style. He has also been officially sober for just over two full years, thanks to his band mates.​
כן כן כן.. עובדה שהוא עדיין מסתובב drunk of his ass טאמבל
*Used to date Kelly Osbourne.​
(ממ..הוא כנראה זרק אותה בוולנטיינז דיי, משהו כזה)
*Stands at about 5' 7" (1.70 m). *Bert can also play the trumpet and piano, and plays the piano on some of The Used's songs. *McCracken is good friends with My Chemical Romance lead singer Gerard Way, and have recorded several songs together.​
חח באמת?
*Ex-girlfriend Kate died from a drug overdose on July 4, 2004, she was carrying Bert's child. *Dedicated the song "All That I've Got", to his dog, David Bowie, when it was ran over by a truck right in front of Bert.​


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XDDDD וואעעעעעעעע

את מכירה בליינדסייד?


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אוי אנחנו לפחות 5 בארץXDDD

הם ממש לא מוכרים פה


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כולל אני?:]

יש להם דווקא קהילה די גדולה בארץ. [ויש לי את כל האלבומים שלהם מקוריים. כולל החדש. ומי שלא ידע יצא להם עוד 2 לפני silence]


New member
יש לי את הדיסקו' על המחשב אבל..

לא יודעת, לא מוצאת בהם משהו מיוחד. all of us חביב, אבל אני אוהבת את השיר silence, וזהו בערך


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כמה אנקדוטות לסיום

1. השרשור היה (בצורה קצת שונה) בקומונה, אי שם בשלהי חודש אוגוסט, ככה שאם זה נראה מוכר למישהו... =) 2. כל הביוגרפיות נלקחו מהאתר http://www.theused.inkedangel.org שכרגע לא עובד (ואולי ירד, מי יודע). 3. כל העובדות נלקחו מוויקיפדיה. 4. אם מישהו רוצה לתרגם את זה אתם מוזמנים, אבל יש לי יותר מדי דברים לתרגם גם ככה, אז לא יהיה לי זמן לזה בכמה חודשים הקרובים.. 5. כמו שאמרתי, אתם מוזמנים להוסיף מידע, מה שאומר שאתם צריכים להוסיף מידע, ולא להתייחס לזה בתור אופציה בלבד.

תודה שני
אני כבר אקרא בהזדמנות ואולי אתרגם ביום רביעי כי גם ככה אני חוזרת מוקדם ואין לי הרבה מה לעשות