בליץ' המנגה פרק 252

Goggle Girl

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לפחות. למרות שאם אומרים "בוקו" זה גם יכול לבלבל הרבה :X


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אני שוב אפנה למה שקבוצת תרגום אמרה

In the English language, if a gender isn't specified or is uncertain, you use a male pronoun. Ever since Nell was introduced, the question of whether Nell is a boy or a girl has been puzzling us. Nell is usually referred to just by the name or "the child" or non-gender specific pronouns. Since we are getting a lot of feedback on Bleach 252, we put a translator to look into it, for the... I don't actually know how many-eth time. And we finally have satisfying proof of Nell's gender. So in further releases, Nell shall be referred to as a girl. At least until solid proof is given from Kubo's side, and we might end up looking like fools, again. No, we didn't look under her robe. That would have been uncool.

Goggle Girl

New member
לא היה קל יותר לשים לינק?

(אתם יודעים שהמצב עגום כשאני משתתפת בצורה פעילה בשרשור מנגה)


New member
../images/Emo58.gif תשובה של אחת מקבוצות ה

תרגום. In the English language, if a gender isn't specified or is uncertain, you use a male pronoun. Ever since Nell was introduced, the question of whether Nell is a boy or a girl has been puzzling us. Nell is usually referred to just by the name or "the child" or non-gender specific pronouns. Since we are getting a lot of feedback on Bleach 252, we put a translator to look into it, for the... I don't actually know how many-eth time. And we finally have satisfying proof of Nell's gender. So in further releases, Nell shall be referred to as a girl. At least until solid proof is given from Kubo's side, and we might end up looking like fools, again. No, we didn't look under her robe. That would have been uncool.


New member
אני תוהה ../images/Emo58.gif

מה בדיוק הארנקארים האלו. נרו הרבה יותר מדי חזק בשביל להסתובב סתם ככה והבחור עם המסכה הצליח לעמוד בקצב של רנג'י (כלומר סגן קפטן שיכול להשתמש בבאנקאי) זה לא משהו של מה בכך, אני צופה איזה טוויסט מעניין, הגיע הזמן באמת :)