נשבעת ששווה לקרוא את הציטוטים.נשבעת. ../images/Emo109.gif
שיר השבוע של MCR? אין.
שיר השבוע בכללי? אוקיי, פשוט כל The Reckoning ו- Poor Boy/Luck Man של אסף אבידן והמוג'וס, דהה. Lady GaGa – Telephone (featuring Beyonce)
Lady GaGa – Monster Radiohead- The Bends Radiohead- There There
אומן/אלבום השבוע? אסף אבידן אנד דה מוג'וסססססססססס
!!! באמת שהם עשו לי את השבוע, אין כמוהם בכל העולם!!! מממ וגם רדיוהד וליידי גאגא
סרט/ספר/תוכנית/וידיאו השבוע?
"להתאהב בסן מרטין/ ג'ודית מקנוט. חביב.
"ישנן בנות"
. אני מאוהבת בדמות לסבית, מה זה אומר עליי? חח. איזו סדרה מדהימה, הרבה זמן כבר לא ראיתי משהו כזה 3>.
דבר טוב/רע שקרה השבוע?
תחושת בדידות עמוקה השבוע. אבל ממש.
ההופעה של אספי, אין לי מילים
ציטוטי השבוע? מההופעה:
מישהי מהקהל: "איפה אסתי?!" אספי: "אמא שלך זונה." (אסתי גינזבורג הייתה חברה שלו חח...
אספי: "וואי, איך הרסתי את השיר, הייתי גרוע!" רני (הבאסיסט): "אנחנו דווקא היינו מעולים."
משירים של אספי: And then my old favorite clown, Paints on his faithful frown and plays, That old familiar game, Of which I have no name but "Death". Rain will come again, And just like distant friends, We'll both be crying. She can get your bed to shrink, She can get your ears to blink, She can get your eyes to think. I'd be your heart, you’d be my head, We'd make believe we never bled… But it's all red. She said "baby, you're my chains", I said "no, babe, I'm you're anchor". I said "baby, I love you", She said "no, babe… you're just afraid". They met when he was in a hospital; He whispered "I ain't got no heart" into the room. And it became a game they played, under the blankets, In the bed, pretending she was small and he was big. She became so small, he could lift her, body and heart and all, He held her naked, she was just his fig. I said "baby, you can have them - you can have my eyes", I was thinking if she took them I won't see her lies, But, my baby; I can taste her lies. I don’t wanna see, Your face here no more, Still that doesn't mean that I'm shutting the door. No more tears, my heart is dry, I don't laugh and I don't cry, I don't think about you all the time, But when I do – I wonder why. One day baby, we'll be old, And think of all the stories that we could have told. Clinging to your lower lip with my bare teeth, Clinging to your love with my lost belief. There's a war paint on that pretty face… But I'm ready. I can be her evening laughter, I can be her morning after, I can be like me but tougher; If that's what she needs. I got more than she believes, I got chlorophyll in my leaves, I let out the oxygen she breathes, But she don't know. My baby, she's just a little puppy, But she's acting like a full grown bitch. He scratches his nails in the dirt; Still, he couldn't undo all the hurt. You can break what you cannot fix. All these fingers are speaking, Through the strings; they’re freaking out. Oh, the devil and me, We’re playing games we shouldn’t be. K I S S I N G, Way up and around my tree. I know that my grip was a little to tight, But from where I was coming, you were the only thing right, I guess I'm sorry for that. But if you think these bars of love you have forged, Will keep me here locked up, and waiting, and yours, Baby you're wrong. Now, decide what you need, a guide or a thief, Someone to hold you, or sharpen your teeth, I ain't staying to find out. 'Cause I think you're blind, And I think you're deaf, Touch is the only sense you've got left. Baby, good luck with that.
תכנונים לשבוע הבא? ממ אני ממש רוצה ללכת לאולפן השקוף בדיזינגוף. ולת"א, בלי שום קשר. ובגרות באנגלית, ותעודות. ויאללה לגמור עם התקופה המפגרת הזאת.
תמונת השבוע? אני מאוהבת