../images/Emo207.gif../images/Emo41.gif../images/Emo26.gifהודעה מהאריD:|ימין../images/Emo41.gif../images/Emo85.gif
Hello Everybody! How are we all? Its Harry here messaging you all from AUSTRALIA! Its amazing here and were all having the best time ever. We've been here for a few weeks now and are well into rehearsals and the new songs are sounding awsome, i can't wait for you all to here them. We've also been doing stuff like the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb, going to the beach (and getting our Pale bodies out!), go-karting and beleive or not we all did a skydive, which was insane. I'm you will see the videos of them in good time. As some of you may already know i'm running the marathon in April and i've been doing alot of training, like running along the beach Bay Watch stlye! I've had a website set up (www.harryrunsthemarathon.com) so if you want to find out a bit about the two charitys i'm running for (Teenage Cancer Trust and BIRT) then check it out. These two charitys mean so much to me and they are both such great causes. Also if you want to sponser me just go on the website and follow the instructions! I would also like to say a HUGE thankyou to everyone who has sponsored so far, i've been reading your messages and am so gratefull for your kind support. I will keep you all updated as much as i can over the next few weeks and will try to reply to as many messages as possible, so do your best to spread the word about sponsoring me! Harry. אין לי כוח לתרגם. XD בקיצור, הוא אומר שהם ממש נהנים באוסטרליה והם התחילו כבר לעבוד על השירים, הם נשמעים ממש טובים והוא לא יכול לחכות שכולנו כבר נשמע אותם. הם עושים עוד דברים באוסטרליה, הולכים לחוף ועושים עוד כל מיני דברים שאיןלי כוח לחשוב איך קוראים להם בעברית כי המוח שלי מסרב לחשוב. [Skydive, Karting] ואז הוא מדבר על זה שהוא רץ מרתון והוא מודה לכל מי שתמך בו. הוא ינסה בזמן הקרוב לענות לכמה שיותר הודעות שהוא יכול... זה ממש סיכום בקצרה. ^^