אתגרת אותי... מצאתי קצת חומר בנושא
שוב, מהאתר של IBLCE (IBLCE.ORG) תחת שאלות נפוצות בנושא אתיקה. מעתיקה לך לכאן:
Q: I have been approached by a formula company to write a book on breastfeeding for new mothers. They tell me that I will have complete control over the contents of the book. Since they are going to publish something anyway, I want it to be as good as possible. Would it be a violation of the Code of Ethics for me to write it? A: This is a dangerous opportunity. It may be that the company’s motives are as benign as they appear to be on the surface, but IBCLC, RLCs have been taken advantage of in the past. One of the pioneers in our field was given carte blanche by a major formula manufacturer to make a breastfeeding video. The company used it at conferences, but turned off the sound so that the IBCLC, RLC’s well-recognized face could have been interpreted as supporting the formula company. Another IBCLC, RLC was made a similar offer; she agreed to write a book but asked that the company not use her name. At this request, the company lost interest in the project, showing that what it was after was her name and credential, not the good content she would provide. A third IBCLC, RLC was offered a large sum of money to allow placement of the breastfeeding book she wrote in formula discharge bags. She declined on ethical grounds. (4, 5, 17, 24)
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