Questions Thread- שרשור שאלות!!!

The most important question

?When are you coming to visit us in Israel
HELLO APRIL../images/Emo70.gif

how are you doing? my name is shely and i am a big fan of yours... i saw you in a few t.v programs... i would like to know if you have some hobbies ,if you do what are they...and i would also like to know if you feel like your life have changed a little bit since you started to play in kyle
i want to tell you that i think you look very beautiful, i wish to look preety like you and have the confidence that you show in the screen ,i hope you would not change like other actors and stay as you are.. love shely.
Shalom April ../images/Emo140.gif

How are you? I have a few questions
Would you rather be named after a different month of the year? wich one would it be?
Which person of your real life would you choose to bring into the "KyleXY" world? and the opposite - which character of Kyle you'd like to have in your real life? that's it for now


New member
Hi April, how are you?../images/Emo9.gif../images/Emo24.gif

Thanks for coming here to answer our questions. I love your acting and your character on Kyle XY and your music, great singing! I also loved you on Quintuplets. OK so here are my questions, if you feel uncomfortable answering one or more of them, I'll understand:
About your music:
1►Where do you get the inspiration for your songs? What time of day your more likely to be writing a song? 2►Which one of your songs do you like the most? 3►In what age did you start learning to play guitar? [I love the scene when Lori teaches Kyle to play guitar BTW!]
Questions about you that no one has asked:
4►Jaimie Alexander puts fan videos of her and the show on her myspace page [one of mine was there at some point so please thank her for it]. Do you watch fanvids too? [When you have time, check out my videos I'll make more Kyle XY vids soon, I promise!] 5►What do you like to do on your minutes of free time when you aren't filming the show or recording music?
About your roll as Lori Trager on Kyle XY:
6►I've noticed a change in Lori's character from season 1 to season the beginning Lori was one of the popular kids who always cared about what everyone else think about her and how Declan feels about her [but still seemed smart and cool] but on season 2 she became this very cool and confident sarcastic musician who knows more about herself that she thinks [Mark's a genius lol]. Have you noticed that change/developement in Lori as well? Do you think the change in Lori came as a result as a change in you, or do you think it's only the plot and script? 7►I have to ask about the scene on the episode "Lies that bind" (season 1 episode 3) where Kyle ask you to bring you clothes and then you walked on him naked in the shower and said he's not modest and "not Jewish either". How many takes did it take to make that scene? it obviously took more than one since you brought him a blue shirt but he left the shower with a green one. I can't stop laughing whenever I see this scene! You and Matt obviously have a great chemistry! 8►Kyle and Jesse have super powers/abilities on the show. If you could have one super power, what would you want it to be? 9►Do you think the show is trying to teach the viewers some life lessons? [like tolerance for example]. Did you learn anything about yourself or about life while playing Lori and interacting with the other cast members? 10►Who do you think is Lori's best friend on the show? OK for the next questions- MAJOR SPOILER ALERT for tapuz readers till season 3 premier
[April and the ones who've already seen it- scroll down]
11►Who do you think should be with Lori on the show- Declan or Mark? or maybe Kyle? [not spoilers just your point of view] 12►Do you think Lori should stay friends with Hilarie after she saw her kissing Declan? What would you, April, do if that situations happen to you in real life? 13►I have to say I loved that scene on the season 3 premier when Lori told Nicole she thinks she already like somebody else and then she sees Kyle out the window and says "Kyle" [I was like "I wish!"]. Do you think a Kyle-Lori relationtionship can really happen or do you think they'll always see each other as siblings and good friends? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm sorry if that's too many questions but I figured you don't come here every day so I better make the best of it
Thanks again, and have an awesome week!
Adi AKA Darklighter AKA purpledarklighter.​


New member
Hey April ../images/Emo13.gif

Hey April! I think you are an amazing actress and I think you and the rest of Kyle XY are supberb. All the characters are brilliantly portrayed and I can't get enough of it. It is so well written that I have watched a number of scenes again and again and again - at the end of Homecoming where Nicole is cooking dinner and she walks into the living room to see Kyle at the door - the look on her face says so much that any amount of words could not! April - please keep persuing your singing as you have a beautiful voice, a wonderful soul and a lot of talent.
And now, here's my questions-
Who is your role model?
If you could work with any actor or actress, who would you want to work with? Thank you so much for answering my questions. I wish you the best throughout your life
Love, Shir.

Raph Rulz

New member
Hi April how u doin?

ok so first i wanted to say i LOVE you on the show. seriously u r so talanted its amazing now that im done ass kissin
just kiddin, i can ask my question well, alot of times on the show as lory u become cynical and act that way. are you like that on ur real life or what> im mean it suits u in the good way of course but i was just curious thanks and keep on rockin Raphael


New member
April!! ../images/Emo9.gif

Thank you so much for your time
I love "kyle XY" and I can't wait for the 3 season ??And as for my question: will Tom Foss's character appear in season 3 Who is the actor\actress who makes the most mistakes and laughs on the set once again...thank you!! shalom
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