בואו להגשים חלום ולנהל פורום!

כע, התמכרתי ../images/Emo99.gif

פאקרמן חתיך עללל אני מתה עליו! לרייצ'ל באמת יש קול ממש יפה, למרות שהדמות שלה קצת מעצבנת. לא חשבתי שאני אתלהב מהסדרה, אבל היא ממש טובה
../images/Emo41.gif פראנק כתב באתר... ../images/Emo223.gif

שלג'רארד יש בעיות עם השירה/קול שלו, והוא הלך לרופא וזה לא משהו רציני אבל ייקח לו זמן להחלים, לכן הם נאלצים לבטל הופעות... והוא כתב שהם לא אוהבים לבטל הופעות, כי מאז שהוקמה הלהקה כל מה שהם רצו לעשות זה לכתוב שירים ולנגן אותם בלייב לכמה שיותר אנשים. איך חייכתי כשקראתי "Playing for people is what we live for"
קיצר, הנה מה שהוא כתב: קלטו את הסוף
Hello Friends, I got some good news and I got some bad news....while in the studio recently, Gerard started having some problems with his voice. At first we weren't too concerned about it and thought it would pass, as these things usually do, but the longer it went on the more worried we all got so he went to see the doctor. The good news is he's getting the best treatment possible and is going to make a full recovery, trust me we couldn't be more relieved. The bad news is it's not gonna go away overnight and we have to do what we hate doing most, cancel shows. When we started this band all we ever wanted to do was write songs that meant something to us and play them live for as many people as we possibly could, and now in our old age all we want is exactly the same thing... and thats why canceling shows kills us so much, playing for people is what we live for. Your off-time applause, your beautiful dirty faces, your raw energy, and your wretched little voices singing our lyrics back to us fuel our fire, you make us feel alive, and we love every single one of you for that. So know that as excited as you guys were to see us, we were even more excited to see you. But in order to make sure that we can continue to create music and play it live for all of you for a long time to come we need to give G the time he needs to heal. We are incredibly sorry for bumming anyone out by canceling, and we hope you find it in your hearts to understand. We promise we will be back in Australia to make it up to you guys/gals as soon as possible. We miss you. Until we meet again, xofrank P.S. Please send all angry letters to: Gerard Way's Throat 666 Coffee and Cigarettes Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90069

Fake Reflection

New member
../images/Emo79.gif חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח../images/Emo6.gif../images/Emo6.gif../images/Emo6.gif

איזה דבע XDDD די שיוציאו אותו כבר

Fake Reflection

New member
../images/Emo79.gif איך לעזאזל באמת בחרתן 10 אנשים?!

כאילו פאק זה קשה יש מלא סקסיים
אני אחזור הבייתה מחר בערב ואעשה רשימה ענקית!
ווועעעעעעל מי שלא יגיב!
יאללה, גדנ"עD:../images/Emo189.gif

תשיגו אותי בפון, למי שאין, תבקשו מנעם. D: יאללה ביי.