i opened my "keren hishtalmut" after 6 years - more than 55 000 dollars cash. tax free. call it a "bluff". the car is cheaper, but not twice, more like 30% i compared the prices of the houses - kfar-yonah to thornhill woods. same price, exactly. same house size. but in israel i could by a one with 35-40% of my own money, here it's more like 22-25%. rented housing is twice more expensive in canada. the daycare for the kids costs 750-900 per month (depends on the age) my salary in israel was somewhat lower than here, but i could allow much more. like a trip to europe more than once a year, for example. and, comparing to the market, my salary was something like 2.5*average. here it's 1.5*average. for the high-tech people the economic reason to move is not the right one, period. with a few exceptions, of course. but it's important to not expect too much, otherwise it will be a very sad story.