על מנת להקל יש כאן רשימת 40
המדענים הרשאונים שלא מסכימים עם האבולוציה 1. Michael Behe, "Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution" (1996). 2. Francis Crick, "Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature" (1981). 3. Michael Denton, medical doctor and molecular biologist, , "Evolution: A Theory in Crisis" (1985). 4. Francis Hitching, "The Neck of the Giraffe: Where Darwin Went Wrong" (1982). 5. Mae-Wan Ho and Peter Saunders, "Beyond Neo-Darwinism" (1984). 6. Soren Lovtrup, "Darwinism: Refutation of a Myth" (1987). 7. Milton R., "The Facts of Life: Shattering the Myth of Darwinism", Fourth Estate, London, 1992. 8. Robert Shapiro, "Origins: A Skeptic's Guide to the Creation of Life on Earth" (1986). 9. Gordon Rattray Taylor, "The Great Evolution Mystery" (1983). The following scientists (#'s 10-47) stated that "a critical re-evaluation of Darwinism is both necessary and possible" as found at "http://www.apologetics.org/news/adhoc.html": 10. ANDREW BOCARSLY, Ph.D. Chemistry, Princeton University 11. HENRY F. SCHAEFER III, Ph. D. Quantum Computational Chemistry, University of Georgia 12. ROBERT TINNIN, Ph.D Biology, Portland State University 13. BENJAMIN VOWELS, M.D. Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania 14. STEPHEN MEYER (Ph.D. in History & Philosophy of Science University of Cambridge), currently professor of philosophy at Whitworth College. 15. DAVID IVES, Ph.D, Biochemistry, Ohio State University 16. WILLIAM DEMBSKI, Ph.D. Philosophy (University of Illinois at Chicago), Ph.D. Mathematics (University of Chicago) 17. ROBERT KAITA, Ph.D. Plasma Physics, Princeton University 18. FRED SIGWORTH, Ph.D. Physiology, Yale Medical School 19. LEO ZACHARSKI, M.D. Medicine, Dartmouth Medical School 20. DAVID VAN DYKE, Ph. D. Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania 21. ROBERT JENKINS, Ph.D. Biology, Ithaca College 22. ROBERT C. KOONS, Ph.D. Philosophy, UT, Austin 23. GORDON C. MILLS, Ph.D., Biochemistry Emeritus, UT Medical Center, Galveston 24. DONALD D. HOFFMAN, Ph.D. Cognitive Science University of California, Irvine 25. ROBERT PRUD'HOMME, Ph. D. Chemical Engineering, Princeton University 26. ALVIN PLANTINGA, Ph.D. Philosophy, University of Notre Dame 27. GEORGE LEBO, Ph.D. Astronomy, University of Florida 28. JOHN FANTUZZO, Ph.D. Psychology in Education, University of Pennsylvania 29. WALTER BRADLEY, Ph.D. Chairman, Mechanical Engineering, Texas A & M University 30. DONALD L. EWERT, Ph.D. Molecular Biology, Director of Research Administration, Wistar Institute 31. DOUGLAS LAUFFENBERGER, Ph.D. Cell & Structural Biology, University of Illinois 32. JACK OMDAHL, Ph.D. Biochemistry, University of New Mexico 33. JOSEPH M. MELUCHAMP, Ph.D. Management Science, University of Alabama 34. KIRK LARSEN, Ph.D. Zoology, Miami University (Ohio) 35. PAUL CHIEN, Ph.D. Biology, University of San Francisco 36. WILLIAM SANDINE, Ph.D. Microbiology, Oregon State University 37. H. C. HlNRICHS, Ph. D. Physics, Linfield College 38. WILLIAM STUNTZ, J.D. Law Faculty, University of Virginia 39. CHRIS LITTLER, Ph.D. Physics, N.Texas State University 40. JOHN ANGUS CAMPBELL, Ph.D. Speech Communication, University of Washington