אולי אפשר לפרש מזה את התפקידים החברתיים. יענו אפילו אם אתה לא זכר, אבל אתה יותר משתייך לתפקיד של ה"fertilizer" ולא ה"fertilized", אז אתה גבר, ולהפך. וכן, התכוונתי לשחלות. wom·an (w‹m“…n) n., pl. wom·en (w¹m“¹n). 1. An adult female human being man (m²n) n., pl. men (mµn). 1. An adult male human being. fe·male (f¶“m³l”) adj. Abbr. fem., f., F 1.a. Of, relating to, or denoting the sex that produces ova or bears young. male (m³l) adj. Abbr. m., M. 1.a. Of, relating to, or designating the sex that has organs to produce spermatozoa for fertilizing ova. All the above definitions are taken from the American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd Edition. I don´t believe these definitions are primitive, simply inaccurate as they apply to our community. Fact is, most of the population associates man with male and woman with female, and the dictionary is simply reflecting how those words are most commonly used in the English language. The majority of people wouldn´t be able to tell you the difference between gender and sex, are those people primitive as well? Uninformed, maybe, but primitive, that´s a bit extreme.