אדם יופיע בגראמייייייייייייייייייייייייי פאקינג גראמיייייייייייייייייי DJ on Z100 just said Adam will perform at The Grammy's?, what???? i was just listening.. they played WWFM.. then after it was done, the DJ said "check out Adam Lambert performing live at The Grammy's in January.. he'll be breaking it down" could this be true??? it seems unlikely since he isn't nominated but it's pretty odd for a highly respected radio station to be giving out major false information like that.. thoughts????? i'm trying to call right now to ask why he said that but nobody is answering.. here's the number if anyone wants to call & ask 1800 242 0100 EDIT: if this is not true, please don't attack me. i'm just posting what i heard & have no reason to lie. several members on this board can verify that i'm not the type to make things up/spread rumors.