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יאיייי! עד נובמבר 24 אדם יענה כל יום על שאלה
http://www.adamofficial.com/news/stay-tuned-question-day-videos-adam As if there weren’t already enough reasons to love Adam, we’ve just brought you more! To tide all of you ravenous Glamberts over until his album is released, we’ll be featuring Adam’s response to a new question we pitch him every day in our upcoming “Question of the Day” video series! These daily videos will premiere tomorrow, so stay tuned!
http://www.adamofficial.com/news/stay-tuned-question-day-videos-adam As if there weren’t already enough reasons to love Adam, we’ve just brought you more! To tide all of you ravenous Glamberts over until his album is released, we’ll be featuring Adam’s response to a new question we pitch him every day in our upcoming “Question of the Day” video series! These daily videos will premiere tomorrow, so stay tuned!