תם האירוח של אדריאן ווילקינסון אך..

../images/Emo41.gif Welcome Adrienne ../images/Emo140.gif

לפה בלבד אתם יכולים לשרשר שאלות באנגלית לאדריאן. במידה והשאלות הן בעברית נא לשרשר לשרשור המתאים ואנו נתרגם ונוסיף לפה. אדריאן באה לפה כטובה, אנא שמרו על שפה נאותה, ובלי שאלות חודרניות ופרטיות מידי, אם אדריאן אינה רוצה לענות, זוהי זכותה, אנא כבדו את רצונה.
Thank you very much for coming, we really appreciate it and we hope you'll have as much fun as we will
Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for the inviation and for allowing me to join in your forum and your discussions. I'm excited to hear what topics and details are of the most interest to you. First of all I would like to say thank you for being so loyal to the show, and for welcoming us (the cast) into your homes. I am thrilled that after so much time - you are still interested in Xena and that you have a thriving forum around the show. I would love to answer any questions you have about the show. Amit is being kind enough to forward questions to me and I am replying through him. Between the time difference and the language barrier -this seemed the easiest choice. Forgive us if it takes a bit to get a response posted.​
Hi Adrienne!../images/Emo24.gif

How Are You? First of all, I'm really glad you're here! Thank you!
I was wondering...What was the happiest moment of your life?


New member
תמר...זה מ-מ-ש יפה../images/Emo13.gif

איזה חמוד היא התמונה הכי ימנית למטה...
(זה בסדר שכתבתי פה שזה יפה..?:0)
Wow. Fun question

First of all, thank you for the warm welcome. I've very happy to spend this time with all of you. I'm blessed to count many happy moments in my life..... but it seems like the smallest moments are the happiest. My sister married last September, and it was such a magical day. She was so happy - and it was such a beautiful moment that we were all crying over its perfection ts wonderful to see someone that you love, finding happiness and living thier life to the fullest. My family is extremely important to me - and I am very protective of them. Moment like that make me appreciate how blessed I am. On a personal level. I love to work - I always 'glowing' when I work. Just full of contentment and calm over doing what it is I love to do.


New member

Thank you so very much for coming!!
I just wanted to ask you if you liked the FIN episodes, and if you could change them, how would you do that? Oh and, if someone will offer you a part in a xena movie will you agree? Thanx again
Hi Adrienne

First of all, thanks for coming and I think you've done an excellent job on XWP. However, I had some problems with the character of Eve. The thing that bothered me the most about her was the clear-cut division that was made between who she had been when she was called Livia and who she later became, especially in light of the fact that the question of taking responsiblity and facing one's past head-on has always been very central in the show, especially in Xena's case. What are you feelings on the subject? Another thing I was wondering was whether you identified with Livia/Eve and whether you ever drew from your own experience when working on her character.​
Dear Adrienne! ../images/Emo23.gif

First and for most - Thank you very much for comming to our furom! I appreciate it a great deal I used to write you via email, hope you remember me I wanted to ask you what were your best memories from acting on the set of X:WP and are there any other projects that you haven't quite got the chance to do, what are they? Well, Addrienne I always wish you the best of luck with everything! Loads of love- Niva xxx
Yes. Niva I remember you

Thank you for attending. My best memories from the set - are almost endless. It was such a wonderful, grand adventure. I loved all of fighting that I got to learn, I loved working with such a wonderful cast and crew - the locations were amazing...and working in New Zealand was a dream come true. I loved every day that I was able to spend there. I would have to say that all of my experiences with the cast are my most special memories. I treasure all of the laughter and fun that we had. It was a wonderful set to work on. I measure every set against that now. (התגובה של אדריאן נמחקה... אז העתקנו אותה מההודעות המחוקות)


New member
../images/Emo187.gifDear Adrienne../images/Emo187.gif

Welcome to Israel!! (Israeli net…)
My question is: Which character did you like to play most? Eve / Livia? Another question I want to ask you – What was it like to work with Lucy??? And to hug her?? (Sometime during the filming of an emotional scene) Thank you! BTW – You sing lovely, I remember you from 'Chariots Of War – 4'!! We Love you here in Israel!!!​
Thank you

Most of you probably know (from interviews etc) that I much prefered playing Livia to playing Eve. I adored every moment of playing Livia... where my favorite eve moments were few but my favorite Eve moment was in 'You are there' with Michael Hurst where I was able to have a flash of Livia in my character.​


New member
Hello Adrienne!!! ../images/Emo20.gif ../images/Emo20.gif

I'm soo happy you are here!! you are a great actress!!
my q: if you could write a new Xena episode with livia.. what would you have her do there?
-love you!! ADI
I agree with everything you've said

I had huge issues with the stark differences between Livia and Eve. I always tried to make Eve stronger and smarter- far more like the original creation of Livia. In the end - I had to remember that the storyline was, of course, about Xena. And Eve was another version of Xena. Basically Livia/Eve was another version of Xena's past and Xena's life being presented right in front of her again and again. Livia/Eve's choices became parallells of choices that Xena had made in the past. Eve's storyline was used as impetus for Xenas decisions and her unfolding story, far more than it actually represented Eve's story and Eve's future. Does that make sense? It is a complicated concept. But Eve was reliving Xena's path and her past. I had a hard time dealing with many of the choices that Eve made in the scripts. I disagreed with many things. I had created the character of Livia as an increadibly smart, strong, sexy woman who was very independent and didn't back down from a challenge. I was as surprised as the audience that Eve was so different. I had to give up any disagreement on the subject and embrace the story and idea that the producers and writers were trying to tell. To the 2nd part of the question. Yes , absolutely. I think every actor draws on experiences in their own lives to help bring life to their characters on stage or screen. Obviously I have never experienced anything near to what Livia and Eve went through. ...but every character I've played, has had some shades of 'me' in them.

I haven't heard anything serious -just a lot of rumors about a Xena movie. But, I would jump at the chance. I loved Livia/Eve - but truly I would be most excited about working with Lucy and Renee again. They are extraordinary women. I have mixed feelings about the final episodes. I completely respect the idea that they were trying to accomplish and how they created a full circle - story. But I was as surprised as the fans by the actual episode - and no it isn't how I would have chosen to end the series


New member
Hello Adrienne

I was wondering if you are going to attend Xena conventions in the future and if so which one? are going to be in the convention in London (on the 29-31 in August)?
Are you working on some new project? a film? guest staring in a TV show?​