היום ב-

Vivi Sparrow

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אתעוקבתאחרייאומשו. ם:

מצטערת, לא מקשיבה למוסיקה אלקטרונית. X:


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מאנה,גרמנית,מרלין מנסון, נהנודה

והרבההההה שחור!! אבל למה גרמנית למה?!??!!? TTTOTTT http://youtube.com/watch?v=j_PYFH3Nu4k&search=mana%20can%20speak


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אה יש לזה תרגום...^_^ נהנודה

Today we'll open the door to a secretive world. We're having a talk with Mana, the man who never speaks. Small spleens are good for the business... Mana has more than one. He invented the Gothic Lolita Style, mixes metal with classic and jpop and connects big shoes with big theatre Mana whispers... His Medium answers. Both seem to know the make-up artist of Marilyn Manson. Which big secret will he whisper to us? K: ["Ee...watashi ga TI~NEJA~..."] As a teenager I was a fan of Mötley Crüe. They caught my attention in a magazine because they had an extreme style. I thought Tommy Lee was awesome, that's why I really wanted a drumset. And my parents actually bought me one. ..... That is, what Mana says. ["..to moishiteimasu"] Despite Tommy Lee, Mana did not become drummer or hair metaler, but guitarist and head of the Japanese cult-band Malice Mizer. The fans love the hard sound and the puppet-like appearance of the musicians. In his solo project Moi dix Mois, control-freak Mana carries artificiality, Gothic Lolita look and elegant posing to extremes. Everything has to be perfect -- so he rather produces the clothes by himself. K: I have opened the shop Moi même moitié in 99 with clothes for Gothic Lolitas. Because back then there was nothing that combines something cute with something dark, I did just that. On top of that, I don't like short-lived trends. My designs are for people that look at it the same way. That is what Mana says. And those clothes sell well. There are school girl lolitas with kilts and socks, sweet lolitas with frills and Elegant Gothic Lolitas with corsets in a Victorian style. All looks combine innocence and darkness. The fingers spread to the sign of Satan and a sweet smile on the lips... Through one country Mana's craving for beauty is especially satisfied. K: Once, I have heard a French pop song by Mylène Farmer. The sound of the French language has fascinated me. Since then I am interested in the French culture. ...That is, what Mana says. Unexpected things are hidden behind this cult. Not experience stories about black masses are being spread - no - in Japan, there's the Gothic Lolita Bible with patterns for clothes and recipes for cakes with powder-sugar crosses. Mana and his fans just don't let themselves be defined. Devil signs and baking orgies, frills and the evil eye... Maybe that's why the characterisation of the perfect Gothic Lolita is difficult, even for its maker. K: ["Eto sore wa..."] That's the question of my life ... That is what Mana says. ["to moishiteimasu"]. And so, Mana stomps - without whispering too much - back to his own universe made of bigger secrets and smaller gestures. Sayoonara, Mana-san.


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Gackt become a superman נהנודה

http://www.ourmedia.org/node/212552 אעאעאעאע מה הולך פע?..=.=" זה נורא ארוך...X_X צריך סבלנות..>>" אבל זה גאקט!! ^___^ ואפילו שזה נוראאא ארוך.. אתם תחכו נכוע?! ^__^ ולמה הוא פותח את הפה ככה?..O.O http://youtube.com/watch?v=Sg2qfIuzHkg לזכר קאמי...TT-TT אני גם מתגעגעת אליו... אפילו שלא הכרתי אותו בכלל אני רואה את הקליפים שהוא הופיע בהם.. נראה כאילו הוא חי.. אח"כ לקלוט "וואלה..X_X הבנאדם נפטר"... אעאעאעא זה כל כך עצוב..TT.TT