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עברת על הקישור? מה יש לך לומר על הקטע הבא: An Open Challenge to Marxists and Other Radical Left-Wingers Some people--particularly Marxists and other radical left-wingers--will be positively incensed by the very existence of Future Generations. It's true! Just hearing the word "eugenics" makes them start to tremble with rage. Like a knee-jerk reaction, they cry "Nazi's!" There are a number of profound differences between Hitler, and Future Generations, not the least of which is that Future Generations strives to educate the public and effect changes in a democratic society, whereas Hitler was a totalitarian dictator who permitted not free speech!! This is what's been shown, again and again, to be dangerous and destructive, this lack of freedom-whether in the form of Fascism, or of Communism--not any particular scientific fact." The Communists believed everything was caused by the environment, yet they murdered more people, and caused more misery, than the Nazi's and all the rest of the world's tyrants combined. But in either case, the way to assess the validity of scientific claims is through science, not by judging the morality or immorality of political regimes whose ideologies adopted simplistic and often inaccurate versions of them. To anyone who opposes what we do, for whatever reason, may I suggest the best way to neutralize our influence is to engage in honest debate, and to show the world we're wrong. Name-calling is childish. Instead, try finding an error in our reasoning! Provide counter-evidence! For example, show us (if you can) that intelligence is not profoundly influenced by heredity, or that intelligent people actually have more offspring that unintelligent people have, or that savagery is preferable to civilization