../images/Emo18.gifרמקול|פוסט חדש במייספייס הישן של סוד
דייב כתב אותו Son Of Dork Update x So just signed on to myspazz to find a massive array of comments and all sorts of wierd and wonderful things being said. I promise you i didnt want to get into this, but obviously the post i left earlier was brief and didnt really clear anything up for you guys. Ive always told you guys the truth and have continuously left blogs explaining the position the band are in, and must say I find it quite funny that all of a sudden I'm the bad guy for telling the truth. I left a post saying the band had split because of the following reasons, but below is all im saying and will say on the matter, so make of it what you will. If Son Of Dork are still going then good luck to them, i honestly wish them all the best. Last time i checked though, we/they havent practiced for nearly 5 months, havent spoken to each other properly in about the same time and have absolutely nothing scheduled as far as future plans go. I dont know about you other musicians out there, but i wouldnt consider that a band. Also, ask yourself the following things: 1. Who cancelled the tour you were promised behind their bands' back? 2. Who cancelled the headlining show at the Xuberance festival behind their bands' back? 3. Who promised you a second album but was so busy spending time in other countries that nothing ever came of it? Everyones entitled to their opinion, and i don't blame you guys for taking your angers and frustrations out on me, hell i've been just as angry and frustrated. But if you wish to follow your false hero blindly then thats your journey, i just hope it takes you somewhere better than it did me. I'm sorry for sounding personal and a little bitter but i just wished to clear that up the best i could. I wish everyone who was involved with this band all the best in the world. I'd like to thank you guys who stand by me, and thank all of you who stood by this band the last two years, like I said before, we owe you everything. Big Love and Big Thanks Dai xxx