../images/Emo26.gif עוד ראיון עם דאגי ודני ../images/Emo36.gif
זה מלפני ההתחלה של הGH TOUR שלדאגי היה את השיער הארוך אבל פירסמו את זה רק עכשיו =/ או לפני שבוע ככה חח מסכן דאגי..אני אשמח לנחם אותו....שניהם יצאו כאלה חמודים! You would think that being in Britain's biggest pop band would mean getting a girl would be the last of your problems.But McFly bass player and vocalist Dougie Poynter says he is having a major dry patch at the moment: "I've been blowing out with the girls big time. I have had the worst luck recently. I just keep getting knock-backs." And guitarist and vocalist Danny Jones added frankly: "He can't get laid!" The boys were talking to the Herald Express before going into rehearsals for McFly's Greatest Hits tour, which comes to Torquay in October and is selling out fast. --> DIV added for task NFT00001396 -->But surely Dougie, being a 19-year-old star in the country's top rock pop band must make finding a girlfriend easier? "You would have thought it would be a lot easier. But I think it's just about the same for us as it is for other boys," said Dougie, the youngest member of the band which shot to prominence in 2004 when they beat The Beatles to become the youngest band ever to debut at number one with their first album. Dougie thinks one of the reasons for his girl troubles is his disastrous hair: "I look like a dog. My hair got really long when we were on holiday in Barbados this summer and it started to dread on its own. So I decided to get some dreadlocks professionally done when I got back home. "This guy came to the house and did it. It looked awesome for about four days. I was so excited. "Then after four days I woke up at about four in the morning and my head was itching. So I washed it and now I've got a massive Afro. I look weird. "I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. I've just left it and I'm seeing what happens. "I've just been wearing hats, but I don't think the girls like it." And all this from a guy voted "Britain's Top Mop" in the 2005 Smash Hits awards. So, while we're on the subject of girls, did he fancy Lindsay Lohan when fellow band member and drummer Harry Judd had his famous one-night with the Hollywood good-girl-gone-wild, when the band appeared with the actress in hit teen chick flick Just My Luck? "It was two years ago now, but I think I fancied her. She's not really the type of girl I would typically go for." Which celebrity is his type? "I can't think of one. I don't really go for celebrity types. I seem to have this weird thing where every four months I get totally obsessed with one girl. I meet a girl and I just think she's the coolest thing ever created. Then I get blown out and it all starts all over again." Danny, who is now happily in a long-term relationship, said he wasn't jealous of Harry's Lindsay Lohan experience either. "I pulled her mate: the fitter one," he claimed. The Hollywood experience provided the band with material for their number one: Please Please, which included the line "please, please Lindsay".