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אז ככה מה שיש לנו מ-TOTP זה פוסטר מדהיםםםםםםם של דאגי הוא נראה כ"כ טוב
ועוד כמה תמונות מהעיתון עצמו של מקפליי..מהחופשה שלהם ועוד כמה דברים.. -הפוסטר של דאגי-http://www.2send.us/uploads/89033c1841.jpg -ברבדוס-http://www.2send.us/uploads/55c0a81462.jpg -תמונה שלהם-http://www.2send.us/uploads/781e67a756.jpg -טום עם מטקה חהחה-http://www.2send.us/uploads/471e67a725.jpg -דאגי במדור כלשהו ביחד עם אבריל חח-http://www.2send.us/uploads/711e67a741.jpg -והנה השער-http://www.2send.us/uploads/471e67a792.jpg [ראיתם..את דני שם בקטן? חח] זהו מ-TOTP..מכיוון שיש הרבה ממגזינים עכשיו אז חשבתי לפתוח הודעה חדשה
ומ-IT'S HOT יש לנו ראיון עם הבנים
הנה הראיון באנגלית..הראיון בעברית בהודעה הבאה
אז ככה מה שיש לנו מ-TOTP זה פוסטר מדהיםםםםםםם של דאגי הוא נראה כ"כ טוב

Making millions,marvellous mansions and munching beans on toast-welcome into the minds of McFLY! Hey guys! How have you changed since you joined the band? Danny: I'm more spotty...and I'm cleverer. Tom: Apart from the fact that 'cleverer is not a real word! Danny: I knew that - that's why I said it! Tom: I've got taller. I've grown up this year. I think all of us have - in a nice way though. Harry: I've learnt more stuff about the world - about running a flat and things like taxes and pensions and stuff. Dougie: I've changed quite a lot 'cause I was only 15 when I left home. My dad left two weeks before I joined the band and I haven't spoken to him since. That's probably why I was so quiet at first. I'm close to my mum though - I tell my mum everything. What's the most boring thing about being a pop star? Harry: Traffic and flying. Tom: Yeah, hours sitting in cars. Danny: Waiting around. It's always hurry up and wait. Dougie: I don't like doing the red carpet stuff. I feel stupid. When a bigger celebrity comes along, you never know whether to walk off or stay and look stupid. Do you like being famous? Dougie: I wouldn't really consider us as being famous. The band is famous. Harry: I don't think any of us like it. Danny: I don't mind. It's all right, but the fame doesn't really hit me that much. We do get recognised in the street and it can be embarrassing. You don't know if people are taking the mick or not. Are you millionaires yet? Harry: Ha,ha! Between us we might be, but not individually. Tom probably is 'cause he writes the most songs. Dougie: Tom is, definatly. We joke about it all the time. Tom: It's none of your business! Who's got the poshest house out of you? Harry: Tom. It's massive and it's perfect - he's got chandeliers and stuff. Danny and Dougie live in flats in the same block, but Tom's got a four-bedroom house. Tom: Harry's just done his place up though, and Danny's is the cosiest. Dougie's is like going into a tropical rain forest. He has his heating up full - it's like walking into a furnace. Danny: And all you hear is the sound of crickets and lizards. Dougie: The only reason Tom's is the poshest is 'cause he bought a show house so it came fully furnished. He just moved in! If you ever got married, would you ever sell your pics to a post mag? Dougie: Er,for enough money.£500,000? That's not enough. A million....like, yeah! Danny: No way! Tom: They pay for the wedding, but I still don't think I'd consider it. Harry: I'd like to think I wouldn't, but if times got hard I might. Is being famous everything you thought it would be? Dougie: Playing live shows is all I've ever wanted, so yes. Recording is cool, but there's a lot of sitting around, so you just get fat eating pizza. Tom: It's much better than I imagined. I hoped we'd have success and go on tour and have No1s, and we've had a chance to do it. It's amazing. Harry: Now and again it's quite cool. I'm just normal - I go shopping and go home and just eat beans on toast! זה היה הראיון הראשי...ויש עוד אחד קטן למטה
McFly on McFly - How well do Harry,Danny,Dougie and Tom really know themselves? We put Mcfly to the test! How many No1 singles have you had? Harry and Tom and Dougie: Six. Danny: Tom's written nine. Harry: Yeah, I have. Do I get a bonus point? Answer:Six How many albums have you sold? Danny: I'd say just under two million. Tom: The same. Dougie: I don't know - one's still selling. Harry: I have no idea - over a million? Answer: They've had one album go two times platimum, one platinum and one gold, which is around 1.6 million albums. Why are McFly in the Guinness Book of Records? Tom: For being the youngest band to debut at the top of the charts with their first album. Dougie: 'Cause of me! Harry: Yeah, we have Dougie to thank for that. Answer: Youngest band to have a debut album to go No.1. Who beat That Girl to No.1? Tom: Was it Britney? Danny: Usher? Chico? Harry: Oh, Brian McFadden. Dougie: Was it Real To Me? Answer: Brian McFadden - Real To Me Who said, "I'm such a loser when it comes to girls"? Danny: Dougie! Tom: Dougie Harry: Tom or Dougie. Dougie: I suck. Answer: Dougie.