הוא אמר שהוא הולך להופעה של חברים , אבל הוא כנראה אומן אורח: UPDATE: Adam is headed to the HotelCafe in Los Angeles tonight, where his friends Ely Rise, Alisan Porter, and Ferras will be performing. The club advertises “special guests”–the speculation is that Adam will be one of those guests! Ely, Alisan and Ferras co-wrote “Aftermath” for Adam… Ely tweeted the set order for tonight: “Here’s the set order for tonight…Alyssa Suede – Kurtis/Ely – Ferras – Lukas/Ely – Alisan Porter/Ely – Jarvis/Ely – Ferras/Alisan/Ely ?” Wonder what that question mark is? Ha ha. http://mjsbigblog.com/adam-lambert-...view-plus-aol-deets-and-oprah-sets-a-date.htm