מישהי הבינה על מה לעזאל אדם מדבר בטוויטר?
ולמה הוא מאתגר אותנו, המערצים להבין בעצמנו ?! RT @Courtnsnack: @AdamLambert. So does the coconut ghost thing make sense yet? Yes it does. Forgot it was a line in a piece of writing I did about 16 hours ago from TwitterFon אה מה !? על איזה שיר מדובר .. ? It's poetry guys. It's abstract. It's purpose is for the reader to find their own message in it.

about 16 hours ago from TwitterFon מופשט? בהחלט .. שירה פיאוטית .. ? :O So please dear readers, why don't you tell ME what u think it means.

about 16 hours ago from TwitterFon בהחלט שיעמם לו. RT @ouaiscaps: @adamlambert RT @youlackcolor @ADAMLAMBERT
http://bit.ly/xEi8Y AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN CREDIT YOU. Hahahah brilliant -- RT @UlrikaE: @adamlambert - Coconut ghosts = The hallucinations you get after too many Pina Coladas?

hahaha clever girl about 16 hours ago from TwitterFon חחחחחחחחחח משעשעים בהחלט!