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http://www.ainow.org/index.php/tidbits/1129-amazon-qtime-for-miraclesq-to-be-released-today Amazon: "Time For Miracles" To Be Released Today PDF Print E-mail Administrator / Friday, 16 October 2009 07:08 The anticipation to hear the full version of Adam Lambert's "2012" soundtrack, Time For Miracles, continues to build amidst some confusion of a release date. Earlier in the week, his producer, Rob Cavallo said the soundtrack would be released this Sunday. Watch that video interview here. However, Amazon has for a while now had an original release date of today (the sixteenth) and then an updated release date of Tuesday (the twentieth.) We contacted Amazon last night about the confusion and here is their reply: "Greetings from Amazon! Please note that MP3 song "Time For Miracles"by Adam Lambert, will be release on October 16, 2009, and available for download on the same day." If you check the Amazon listing, it now shows that the ALBUM has an updated release date of Tuesday. So if you trust Amazon, all indications are that TFM will be released today!