ראיונות אחרי הגמר ../images/Emo58.gif
ממ.. הייתי חייבת לקרוא קצת כדי להבין מה הלך שם עם אמנדה. מסתבר שפארוו ואמנדה לא באמת היו חברות כ"כ טובות.. אמנדה ריכלה עליה בפונדרוסה ועשתה קמפיין לסנדרה, או לפחות זה איך שפארווטי רואה את העניין:
How did Amanda come to vote for Sandra?
Amanda just didn't want me to win. I think Amanda got outplayed by me in every way possible. I beat her record for the most days out there. I won in Micronesia. Every possible way that Amanda could be beaten, she was beaten by me. She wasn't going to vote for me. She was getting up at the final Tribal Council campaigning for Sandra, saying how wonderful Sandra is. I'm like, "You don't even know her! You just don't want me to win!" She didn't even ask me a question. That's how bad it is. Wow. But I thought you guys were best friends for several years. We weren't best friends for several years at all. We had a relationship during the game in Micronesia. It's tough when you're in this game because there's trust issues afterward, and the resentment for one person winning and the other person not. But this time there was a lot of distrust between us because we didn't know if the other person was telling us the truth, and we were right. We weren't telling each other the truth. I don't blame her for not voting for me. I completely understand. I just think it makes her look lame. Her game is to play a strategic, athletic, competitive game, and I know that she knows that I played the best game. I think she just looks kind of lame for voting for Sandra. Were you surprised you didn't win? No, I wasn't surprised. At the final Tribal Council, people made it really obvious who they were voting for and I knew it wasn't going to be me most of the time. They got up there and hurled insults at me and Russell and then talked about Sandra and their whole complete demeanor changed -- how she's an angel who works at a bank and her husband's in Afghanistan and she's God's gift to humanity and I'm like, "I guess I'm not going to win."
לעוד ראיונות, מהעמוד הזה והלאה:
http://tinyurl.com/38mz74a סנדרה משעשעת כרגיל, פארוו נשמעת ממורמרת ברוב הראיונות (לא מאשימה אותה), אבל עדיין מצחיקה, ראסל הוא ראסל.. למרות שמפתיע אותי שהוא מעודד כ"כ את פארווטי אחרי ההפסד.