אם הטריילר ספוילרי סימן שמה שאומרים בו *לא* יקרה. אני מקווה לפחות.
עשיתי אבטיפוס של קוביה! אבל הנורות והבטריות שלי דרעק. עדכונים כשיהיו עדכונים.
וכעצלנות אני פשוט אתן לכם את הרשימות שעשיתי בזמן הפרק -
כדי לא לקלקל את שרשור הפרק השני (שאני בו בדעת מיעוט אבל עדיין..) סתם רשימות שעשיתי תוך כדי הפרק -
NOW I wish I'd asked matt that question!
[ If the TARDIS were to appear in your back yard, the Doctor popped out and said "leave your career, family and friends, come travel with me!" - after the awkward moment that would follow - would you? ]
Brian Williams vs Weeping Angels. FIGHT!
now we know how rory forgot his phone charger at henry viii's ensuite (and why he didn't just go back for it)
"you were first faces i saw" child / parent complex again. also what a way to make someone feel not important on their own merit.
[ ugh, the "complex" was a note to myself. they keep switching roles. this is how a baby animal of.. some sort? gets attached to its mother ]
23:00 didn't they just flip?
their backs were to the river and then they were looking at it!
"(kate) we've got backups" yet she's ready with a torch!
"not if you count the inside" - 12 then.
[ # of sides cubes have ]
[ plus, there's a mathematical definition fo-- oh, alright. ]
9 months - they needed to see a baby fully form?
(after the episode ended…. mmm, no.)
Did Brian see the silence in that hospital corridor? (sound & weird cut)
Rory - dying runs in the family
and okay, at least I'm not too nerdy for thinking of math powers all along.
ever since they announced the name my head was going "3, 9, 27"
wait wait wait -
they did all this playground photoshoot we saw photos of for 2 seconds??
[ after it's all over i turned on the light and it's flickering again. IT HAS TO BE THE FITTING ]
[ i turn it off and then on again. the bulb is lit. THE ROOM IS STILL DARK ]
[ i cook something in the microwave, and the timer is still stopped. from yesterday. on ELEVEN. ] [ it's okay, i'm better now ]
עריכה: כמו כן, הפעם התמה היא ריבועים, בפרק הראשון עיגולים. היה משהו עם צורות בפרקים האחרים?
עריכה: צריך לבדוק כמה חשבונות טוויטר יש לקוביות.
עריכה: הייתי חייבת לשאול??
https://twitter.com/i/#!/search/?q=#ReplaceASongTitleWithCube&src=hash וזה בטרנדינג!