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הארי פירסם פוסט חדש בבלוג במייספייס ב12.3 "Please Please Sponsor me!" Hey guys hope all well, Just thought i’d say that were nearly at the half way mark for the sponsorship target! So thanks so much to everyone who has sponsored and i’m still ready all of your messages when you sponsor. Your words of encouragement (can’t spell) really help! Please keep spreading the word about the website and if you haven’t sponsored then please take time to read about the two charities. Even if its one pound it all makes a massive difference. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this guys, your support means so much. PS OH i saw that some of you guys have put togather a Mcfly tribute concert to raise money, thats AMAZING!!!!! www.harryrunsthemarathon.com. HARRY הוא בעיקר מדבר פה על התמיכה שהוא מקבל מאנשים על המרוץ שלו, והוא מודה לכולם ^^
הארי פירסם פוסט חדש בבלוג במייספייס ב12.3 "Please Please Sponsor me!" Hey guys hope all well, Just thought i’d say that were nearly at the half way mark for the sponsorship target! So thanks so much to everyone who has sponsored and i’m still ready all of your messages when you sponsor. Your words of encouragement (can’t spell) really help! Please keep spreading the word about the website and if you haven’t sponsored then please take time to read about the two charities. Even if its one pound it all makes a massive difference. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this guys, your support means so much. PS OH i saw that some of you guys have put togather a Mcfly tribute concert to raise money, thats AMAZING!!!!! www.harryrunsthemarathon.com. HARRY הוא בעיקר מדבר פה על התמיכה שהוא מקבל מאנשים על המרוץ שלו, והוא מודה לכולם ^^