You are right that normally people do not pay bank charges, but a significant number of people do
I did not mention another factor:
In London, everyone below the age of 18 and above 60 travels free.
there are vaious concessionary passes for certain groups like disabled, unemployed, various young people on training, long term benefits and TfL employees.
This will *have to* be managed by TfL, and this is something which they officially acknowledge.
So, even if they manage everybody else to stop using tfL issued Oysters, they will still end up
maintaining and managing a singificant number of
commentמהבחינה הזו האויסטר/רב קו דינו כדין כרטיס חיוב
אבל בלי העונש של תשלום לבנק. עם זאת, רוב מחזיקי חשבונות בנקים בבריטניה אינם משלמים על פעולות כך שהטענה הזו היא די חלשה.
ההיסטוריה מעניינת, וההעדפות של הנוסעים גם הן מעניינות, ולכן יש בעיה פוליטית לבטל את החופשי חודשי/שנתי. אבל זהו הכיוון.
I did not mention another factor:
In London, everyone below the age of 18 and above 60 travels free.
there are vaious concessionary passes for certain groups like disabled, unemployed, various young people on training, long term benefits and TfL employees.
This will *have to* be managed by TfL, and this is something which they officially acknowledge.
So, even if they manage everybody else to stop using tfL issued Oysters, they will still end up
maintaining and managing a singificant number of