גרר!!..משהו שכתבתי
ואני לא כלכך בטוחה כלפיו אז אמ דעות יתקבלו בברכה חח
Pains is floating in me and i can't bealive that you've hurt me this bad you said tou'd love me forever you swore we will always be togthere i gave you my heart and you tore it a part Sometimes i wonder,what will stop the pain Where is the answer,to all of my prayers are life worth living? am i worthy for love? maybe if my heart stops beating,it won't hurt this bed I gave you evrything ,i've done it all i loved you and trusted you,but you runed it all i thought i've finally found peace and happines and now i'm surrounded by darkness how am i, goona find the light who will be the one who'd save me, from myself I want to end it but i'm too scared i want to be in a world with no pain i'm losing myself,to death...