

New member
../images/Emo126.gifחחחחח אני האחרונה שקיבלה פתור מטירונות~!

כול המנילה שלי הייתה מלאה בתפיקדים של לחימה. יצאתי קרבית לאללה><

Lex 1

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../images/Emo41.gif../images/Emo129.gifחחח מיקוש חמודה שכמותך../images/Emo23.gif../images/Emo24.gif

אהבתי את הציטוטים

Fuck A dog XD

New member
../images/Emo90.gif מסכמת D:

מצעד הלהיטים של מקפליי:
Lies, Friday night, Broccoli
כל שיר אחר שעשה לכן את זה השבוע
When your heart stops beating - +44 Blink 182 - All the small things Blink 182 - Always Blink 182 - Dammit! Blink 182 - Don't tell me it's over Blink 182 - Down Blink 182 - Feeling this Blink 182 - First date Blink 182 - Here's your letter Blink 182 - Online songs Blink 182 - Pathetic Blink 182 - Shut up Blink 182 - The rock show Matt Willis - Crash Simple Plan - Vacation Simple Plan - Running out of time Sum 41 - Handle this Avril Lavigne - Complicated
הלהקה המגניבה של השבוע:
כ"כ בלינק
אלבום שחרשתן עליו:
Blink 182 - Take off your pants and jacket *-*
קליפ שעשה לכן את זה:
Blink 182 making the video All The Small things
תוכנית הטלוויזיה / סרט השבוע:
חברים ; האי D:
משהו שהכעיס אתכם השבוע:
משהו ששימח:
משהו שהעציב:
היו הרבה )):
מתנגן בראש / בפלייליסט:
Good Charlotte - The little things
המלצת השבוע:
יס מן ; יום בניו יורק ; לילה מטורף במוזאוןD::
התמונה הכי חמה:


New member

אני מאוהבת בו כבר מכיתה ח' (ועכשיו אני ביא
) תמונה שקסיתתתתת


New member
../images/Emo54.gif../images/Emo136.gifAre you coming or going?

Or coming and then going? Or coming and staying? אעאעאע באלי לראות שוב הג"ש D:
מצעד הלהיטים של מקפליי:
כל רדיו:אקטיב<:
כל שיר אחר שעשה לכן את זה השבוע:
Bruce Springsteen – Born To Run AC\DC – Highway To Hell The Click 5 - Resign Eric Dill – Miss You Now All 4 One – I Swear Linkin Park – Leave Out All The Rest Linkin Park – Given Up קיצר, שירים של לינקין פארק
הלהקה המגניבה של השבוע:
Linkin Park
אלבום שחרשתן עליו:
Radio:Active, Minutes To Midnight.
תוכנית הטלוויזיה / סרט השבוע:
Family Guy, Supernatural. Superbad, I Now Present You Chuck And Larry, The Wash, Die Hard 4.
סירטוני השבוע:
תראו אותם...הם מצחיקיםXD Baby laughing evil Blood Cool baby funny babies Family Guy - I Want Ice Cream Family Guy - Lois Mom Mum Mommy Family Guy - Mother Does Tucker Family Guy - Prostate Exam
משהו שהכעיס אתכם השבוע:
אבא!@#$%^&* [רק באחד הימים מהשבוע]
משהו ששימח:
אדוארד [הסנאי
] אדוארד [הדמותXD] צ'סטר בנינגטון
בן דוד שלי קנה לי את הדיוידי החדש של לינקין פארק <: הייתי בטורונטו, היה נחמד...פגשתי שומר [מהקונסולה,אואיךשלאקוראיםלזה,של ישראל] שהיה בתיכון שלי מטרו ווסט, מגניב ביותר
כריסמס DDDDDD: קניתי מעיל חדשדש, סריג, סוודר ו2 צעיפים <: קניתי את ברייקינג דון והשלמתי את כל הסידרה D: חופש עד ה5 בינואר
משהו שהעציב:
כלום D:

Turn my mike up louder I got to say something Light weights step to the side when we come in Feel it in your chest the syllables get pumping People on the street they panic and start running Words on loose leaf sheet complete coming I jump in my mind and summon the rhyme, I'm dumping Healing the blind I promise to let the sun in Sick of the dark ways we march to the drum and Jump when they tell us that they wanna see jumping Fuck that I wanna see some fists pumping Risk something, take back what's yours Say something that you know they might attack you for Cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before Like it's stupid standing for what I'm standing for Like this war's really just a different brand of war Like it doesn't cater the rich and abandon poor Like they understand you in the back of the jet When you can't put gas in your tank These fuckers are laughing their way to the bank and cashing the check Asking you to have compassion and have some respect For a leader so nervous in an obvious way Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day In their living room laughing like "what did he say?"
המשך הציטוטים בניפרד<:
מתנגן בראש / בפלייליסט:
Linkin Park - Held Hand High
המלצת השבוע:
תראו איש משפחה, זה מצחיקXD תקנו את הדיוידי החדש של לינקין פארק DDDDD:
התמונה הכי חמה:
יש הרבה, אבל מותר לי...לא עשיתי כבר שבועיים


New member
../images/Emo54.gif../images/Emo136.gifהמשך הציטוטים+תמונהD:

Brian: I'm not being cynical, I'm being- Justin: realistic. Brian: Do you mind if I finish my own sentences? I despise when couples do that. Justin: Hah! Did you hear that, rubber ducky? He said couples. I should quit while I'm ahead. Lois: Peter, my God, you look terrible. What happened? Peter I was raped. Lois: [chuckles] What? Peter: Dr. Hartman violated me. He took my innocence. Lois: [chuckles harder] W-what? [Peter whispers in her ear] Peter, that's a prostate exam. It's an important part of a physical for men of your age. Peter: YOU SOUND JUST LIKE HIM! [Runs off, sobbing] Lois: Fucking idiot. Peter: [in the bathroom, smearing make-up on himself and cutting chunks of hair out] Who's that? Who are you? Where's Peter? Where is he? You're a whore. Wear your whore makeup, you whore. Chris: Is somebody in there? Peter: [in a kind voice] Ocupado. [Back to his angry tone] Filthy whore. You're somebody's father, you filthy whore. Stewie: Lois! Lois! Lois! Lois! Lois! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mama! Mama! Mama! Ma! Ma! Ma! Ma! Mum! Mum! Mum! Mum! Mummy! Mummy! Mumma! Mumma! Mumma! Lois: WHAT!? Stewie: Hi. [Runs off giggling] Stewie: Lois, what's going on? I want to sleep in your room. Lois: [puts Stewie in his crib] Oh, goodnight, sweetie. I love you. This is for your own good. [Leaves] Stewie: Lois? Lois, get back in here! DAMN YOU, I WILL NOT BE IGNORED! GET BACK IN HERE! GET BACK IN HERE AND LOVE ME!! [Takes out machine gun and shoots the ceiling] LOIS!! Lois: Ow! Peter, don’t pinch me! [Pinches him. they exchange a few more] Ow! Stop it! Ow! Peter: Ow! Damn it! Cut it out! Maybe I'll tickle you, huh? How about that? [Does so] Lois: [laughing like crazy] No-no, don't! No! Stop! Cut it out! Stop it! I mean it! [Seriously] I mean it! [Grabs a frying pan and wacks Peter in the face. Blood runs down as he hisses and gasps like in Wasted Talent] Lois: Well, I told you to stop. Peter: I tickle you, you hit me in the head with a frying pan?! Lois: I told you to stop! Peter: I taste blood!! Lois: Well, there's a lot of it. Peter: [as he watches Tom and Jake walk away] Huh, I guess I've learned a little something about what it means to be a good dad. Chris: Hey, Dad, you wanna play baseball? Peter: Oh, my God, could you leave me alone? You are the neediest kid! Joe: Oh, Wow. Wow, if I were a woman, I would press my bare boobs up against glass in public just for the SEXUAL THRILL! THE SEXUAL THRILL!! Stewie Griffin: [there is a heat wave in Quahog] Brian, spit on me. Brian Griffin: [spits on Stewie] Stewie Griffin: Yes, now tell me I'm scum. Brian Griffin: [pause] How's that going to help cool you off? Stewie Griffin: Huh? Peter Griffin: [after receiving news that he's being laid off] Man, this sucks worse than Easter Sunday at Richard Gere's house. [Flashback to Peter and Richard Gere standing outside. An Easter egg is lying on the ground in front of Peter] Richard Gere: Okay, find the Easter egg. Peter Griffin: I know where it is. It's in your butt! Richard Gere: No. Peter Griffin: Yeah... I know the story. It's in your butt! Richard Gere: Mr. Griffin, if you'd just look on the ground for five seconds, I'm sure you'd find it. Peter Griffin: Nope, in your butt! Richard Gere: Look, I'm tired of this stupid rumor! Peter Griffin:In your butt! Richard Gere:Mr. Griffin- Peter Griffin: [interrupting] Butt! Richard Gere: Mr. Griffin- Peter Griffin: [interrupting] Butt! Richard Gere: You know what? Just get the hell out of here! Peter Griffin: Fine! Weirdo! [A rodent crawls out from Richard Gere's pant legs, grabs the Easter Egg, and runs back into the pant legs] Peter Griffin: Who's sober enough to drive? Peter Griffin: OK, who's drunk, but that special kind of drunk, that you're a better driver because you know you're drunk. You know the kinda drunk that you probably shouldn't drive but you do anyway, because... come on, you gotta get a car home, right, I mean what do they expect me to do? Take a bus? Is that what they want? For me to take a bus? Well screw that! You take a bus! Cleveland: I'm that kind of drunk.​


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../images/Emo126.gifOMG התמונה הזאת גרמה לי לעשות

"הולי שיט!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ענק.