../images/Emo54.gif../images/Emo136.gifהמשך הציטוטים+תמונהD:
Brian: I'm not being cynical, I'm being- Justin: realistic. Brian: Do you mind if I finish my own sentences? I despise when couples do that. Justin: Hah! Did you hear that, rubber ducky? He said couples. I should quit while I'm ahead. Lois: Peter, my God, you look terrible. What happened? Peter I was raped. Lois: [chuckles] What? Peter: Dr. Hartman violated me. He took my innocence. Lois: [chuckles harder] W-what? [Peter whispers in her ear] Peter, that's a prostate exam. It's an important part of a physical for men of your age. Peter: YOU SOUND JUST LIKE HIM! [Runs off, sobbing] Lois: Fucking idiot. Peter: [in the bathroom, smearing make-up on himself and cutting chunks of hair out] Who's that? Who are you? Where's Peter? Where is he? You're a whore. Wear your whore makeup, you whore. Chris: Is somebody in there? Peter: [in a kind voice] Ocupado. [Back to his angry tone] Filthy whore. You're somebody's father, you filthy whore. Stewie: Lois! Lois! Lois! Lois! Lois! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mama! Mama! Mama! Ma! Ma! Ma! Ma! Mum! Mum! Mum! Mum! Mummy! Mummy! Mumma! Mumma! Mumma! Lois: WHAT!? Stewie: Hi. [Runs off giggling] Stewie: Lois, what's going on? I want to sleep in your room. Lois: [puts Stewie in his crib] Oh, goodnight, sweetie. I love you. This is for your own good. [Leaves] Stewie: Lois? Lois, get back in here! DAMN YOU, I WILL NOT BE IGNORED! GET BACK IN HERE! GET BACK IN HERE AND LOVE ME!! [Takes out machine gun and shoots the ceiling] LOIS!! Lois: Ow! Peter, don’t pinch me! [Pinches him. they exchange a few more] Ow! Stop it! Ow! Peter: Ow! Damn it! Cut it out! Maybe I'll tickle you, huh? How about that? [Does so] Lois: [laughing like crazy] No-no, don't! No! Stop! Cut it out! Stop it! I mean it! [Seriously] I mean it! [Grabs a frying pan and wacks Peter in the face. Blood runs down as he hisses and gasps like in Wasted Talent] Lois: Well, I told you to stop. Peter: I tickle you, you hit me in the head with a frying pan?! Lois: I told you to stop! Peter: I taste blood!! Lois: Well, there's a lot of it. Peter: [as he watches Tom and Jake walk away] Huh, I guess I've learned a little something about what it means to be a good dad. Chris: Hey, Dad, you wanna play baseball? Peter: Oh, my God, could you leave me alone? You are the neediest kid! Joe: Oh, Wow. Wow, if I were a woman, I would press my bare boobs up against glass in public just for the SEXUAL THRILL! THE SEXUAL THRILL!! Stewie Griffin: [there is a heat wave in Quahog] Brian, spit on me. Brian Griffin: [spits on Stewie] Stewie Griffin: Yes, now tell me I'm scum. Brian Griffin: [pause] How's that going to help cool you off? Stewie Griffin: Huh? Peter Griffin: [after receiving news that he's being laid off] Man, this sucks worse than Easter Sunday at Richard Gere's house. [Flashback to Peter and Richard Gere standing outside. An Easter egg is lying on the ground in front of Peter] Richard Gere: Okay, find the Easter egg. Peter Griffin: I know where it is. It's in your butt! Richard Gere: No. Peter Griffin: Yeah... I know the story. It's in your butt! Richard Gere: Mr. Griffin, if you'd just look on the ground for five seconds, I'm sure you'd find it. Peter Griffin: Nope, in your butt! Richard Gere: Look, I'm tired of this stupid rumor! Peter Griffin:In your butt! Richard Gere:Mr. Griffin- Peter Griffin: [interrupting] Butt! Richard Gere: Mr. Griffin- Peter Griffin: [interrupting] Butt! Richard Gere: You know what? Just get the hell out of here! Peter Griffin: Fine! Weirdo! [A rodent crawls out from Richard Gere's pant legs, grabs the Easter Egg, and runs back into the pant legs] Peter Griffin: Who's sober enough to drive? Peter Griffin: OK, who's drunk, but that special kind of drunk, that you're a better driver because you know you're drunk. You know the kinda drunk that you probably shouldn't drive but you do anyway, because... come on, you gotta get a car home, right, I mean what do they expect me to do? Take a bus? Is that what they want? For me to take a bus? Well screw that! You take a bus! Cleveland: I'm that kind of drunk.