שרשור השאלות הקטנות


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ענן בן דוד טען שישוע היה נביא

לפיכך הם האמינו שישוע היה נביא.


Well-known member

Although the founder of Karaism, Anan ben David, did not explicitly teach that Jesus was Messiah, he did accept Jesus as a holy man, and he held his enemies, the Pharisees, strictly accountable for Jesus' death. This man, Anan ben David, had been a candidate for the highest dignity existing among the Jews at the time—the exilarchate. Any disregard for rabbinical Judaism on Anan's part may be accounted for by his long sojourn east of Bagdad in the Persian-Mesopotamian borderlands, which were then the chief hotbed of antirabbinical schisms. Anan was now able to devote himself to the development of his new religion and its new code. But one thing was essential: it must deviate from traditional Judaism, for that was the very raison d'être of his new sect and the justification for his release. Anan's relationship to the rabbinical or traditional legislation may be compared to that of a traveler in an unknown region, who, though he desires to separate from his guide, realizes that he is not able to find the way by himself, and is thus compelled to follow his leader, to keep his eyes riveted on his footprints, and at the same time to select parallel paths and side-lanes in order to maintain the appearance of independence. From the heresies of the Isawites and the Yudganites immediately preceding this epoch, he borrowed the recognition and justification of Jesus as the prophet.​