
Little Sapir

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שני סיפורים שטום כתב ל Wow! 366
THE BOY WHO CRIED ALIENS There once was a boy who lived far out in the countryside, far away from his school and his friends. In the summer holidays he would get very bored and lonely and would sometimes get up to no good. One hot, sunny day he was walking past a farm that had a large field of crops. The farmer was an old man, and the boy thought it would be funny to play a joke. He hopped over the fence and started stomping on all the crops. He stomped and stomped in a huge circle, round and round the field, and by the time he finished stomping he'd made an enormous crop circle. "Aliens! Aliens" the boy cried, and the old farmer came hobbling out of the barn as fast as he could, but when he got there he saw no aliens at all. "You were too slow," laughed the boy. "The aliens flew away!" The next afternoon, the boy thought he'd pull the prank again. He hopped over the farmer's fence and stomped an even bigger crop circle in the field. "Aliens! Aliens! They're back!" He bellowed, and the old farmer came hobbling out and once again found no aliens in his field. What fun the boy was having! So on the third day he climbed over the fence and ran to the farmer's field, only to find there already a new crop circle. "Who made this?" thought the boy, when suddenly a humungous spaceship burst out of the sky. It zoomed down and hovered over the field. The boy was so scared he wet himself. "Aliens! Aliens!" the boy screamed in terror, but the old farmer did not come this time. "Aliens! They're really here!" he shouted again but still no one came. Just then, a door in the spaceship opened and a bright green laser beam shot out. It zapped the boy and he floated up into the air and inside the silvery ship. The door closed behind him and the spaceship shot off into the sky. The old farmer heard the noise and hobbled outside, but by the time he got there the spaceship and the boy were gone for ever.
THE PRINCE AND THE PILLOW Once upon a time, there was a greedy prince. He had everything a man could ever want, but the prince wanted more. He lived in a giant castle, but he wanted bigger. He had a chest full of gold, but he wanted to be richer, and he wanted a beautiful princess to be his wife. The greedy prince had a poor servant who lived in a hut in the shadow of the castle. He did not have much, but he was happy. On the greedy prince's birthday, he ordered all the villagers to give him presents. Some people gave him clothes, others gave him food, but the wise wizard gave him a different present. The wise wizard knelt before the greedy prince and handed him a white, feathered pillow. "This is an enchanted pillow" said the wizard . "It will make all or your dreams come true." The greedy prince snatched the pillow and ran straight to bed. That night he dreamt that he had everything. He dreamt he was the richest man in the kingdom, with the biggest castle in the land ad the most beautiful princess as his wife. When he woke up the next morning, he saw that his dreams had come true, just as the wise wizard had said. The greedy prince now had everything he ever wanted. He couldn't get any richer, his castle couldn't get any bigger and his princess couldn't be more beautiful. But since the greedy prince had everything, he had nothing nice to dream about. So that night when he fell asleep he had a bad dream. He dreamt that his poor servant lived in the biggest castle in the land with the princess and the pillow, and in the bad dream the greedy prince lived in the hut in the shadow of the castle. When he woke up, he saw that this dream had come true, just as the wise wizard said. The poor servant now lived in the castle with the beautiful princess and the enchanted pillow and they were very happy. Every night the servant dreamt that everything would stay that way, and when he woke up his dreams had come true, just as the wise wizard said.​
וגם תמונות מVodafone TBA Concert שהיה די מזמן...

Lex 1

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במקום אייזי הייתי מעיפה אותו מהבית

McGirl For Life

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-דני רעב ורוצה לאכול את המיקרופון-

-טום גם רעב ומסתכל על דני בקנאה רבה כי המיקרופון שלו כבר אכול-


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חחחח דווקא לטום יש פרצוף של *מוחעחעחע כן!תאכל

תאכל! אתה לא יודע שכשלא ראית שמתי על זה נזלת* XDDDDDDD

sweet shir

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אני דווקא רואה מבט אחר לגמרי מצד טום. . . ../images/Emo6.gif

שקשור ל'אכילת' חפצים בסגנון... XDDDDDD ~שותקת XD~

sweet shir

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לאלאלא! זהו לא פרצוף ליאן! את שוגה! ../images/Emo6.gif

השפה העליונה לא מספיק מורמת, היא יותר מכווצת!! את לא מודעת לדקויות הקטנות של הכיווץ XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


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../images/Emo54.gifאוי~נוטה את ראשי הצידה עם ידי מונחת על

המצח~ הייתכן שטעיתי? O: איך יכולתי? האם זה ריאלי? הלכתי לתת את עצמי לשטן. מתאבד1 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

sweet shir

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מותק, יו אר ליבינג אין אה מובי. למה נראה לך



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../images/Emo54.gifצודקת...אז הלכתי להדרד לזנות בפרו...

למרות שגם שם לא ירצו אותי... אבל... אני פשוט מתאבד1 ואז ישרפו אותי ואני לא אלך לשום מקוםXDD