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ביקורת אמינה על האלבום והפעם לא מפורטת כ"כ כמו הביקורת הקודמת שאגב ככך הנראה היא מזוייפת או משהו כי רוני צדקה השירים שהיו בתמונה שלהם בכלל לא דומים לרשימה שפירסמו. ובכלל הרשימה הזאת הייתה יותר מדי טובה שהשוו את דני לברוס ספרינגסטין ואת דאגי לבלינק ועוד כל מיני דברים שהיו די מוזרים. למרות שנראה כאילו השקיעו המון ברשימה הזאת, מי ישקיע כ"כ הרבה בשביל רשימה מזויפת? קיצר
אין לי מושג מה לחשוב ופשוט נצטרך לחכות לצאת האלבום
מפה. Crikey! The new McFly album has arrived. Well, half of it at least. Having sensationally quit their super huge, evil corporate record label and formed their own independent company (the amusingly named Super Records), the boys are really going where no unbelievably successful guitar pop band have been before. Probably. It'll come as no surprise that their new found independence brings with it quite a drastic change of direction. Yes, McFly have gone folk! Not really. Judging by the five tracks we've heard, new album 'Radio:ACTIVE' sees Tom, Danny, Dougie and Harry diving head first into the American pop punk that's always influenced their writing, but never perhaps been allowed to fully raise its fists and shout "Raaaar!" First single 'One For The Radio' is quite shockingly Green Day-esque, simultaneously celebrating the band's former commercial success while berating anyone too embarrassed to admit they're a McFly fan: "Don't pretend you hate us and then sing along/'cause we all look the same in the dark" A nice sentiment though we know for a fact we don't look the same as Dougie in the dark (it glows like a rave stick, apparently). Another track sounds like post-reunion Take That gone rock. Actually that suggests it sounds like the Feeling. Oh, ...it kind of does. While elsewhere, there's some classic American rock (with "more cowbell") that could see them crack the States. The Beatles influence is still in evidence, and perhaps a bit of Mika. Yes, really. But our favourtie sounds like Bryan Adams could've written it - and we mean that as the highest compliment. We'll hopefully tell you more when we're allowed! McFly's new single 'On The Radio' is released July 14