McFly has some seriously mad, crazy, scary fans. Little did they know heat's Isabelle Broom was one of them... Everyone has a guilty little secret, right? Well, my name is Isabelle Broom, I'm 28, and I'm a McFly addict. Yes, I work at heat, and yes, I should probably be cool in the face of celebrity. But there are four particular boys that make me go weak at the knees, I admit it. It all started back in June 2006. I saw McFly perform for the first time and was blown away. It's been an eventful journey and now, 25 gigs, one pair of earrings, one t-shirt, two badges and an embarassing hair-sniffing incident later, I'm sitting on a sofa in a studio in North London, waiting to actually interview them. It's almost 10am and the boys are due any minute. I feel sick. The aroma of slightly warm, raw meat - a prop for our shoot - wafting across the studio isn't helping. I know you must think I'm being ridiculous. After all, I'm here representing heat - and talking to celebrities is what we do. I'm meant to be a professional, not a crazy McFly fan. But, oh god - the door is opening... and my stomach's just leapt out of my mouth and run off to join the other raw meat. Because here they are, Tom, Danny, Harry (all 22), and Dougie, 20. Amazingly, I manage to stand up. Wow, four kisses hello and I haven't passed out yet! Maybe I am going to be okay after all. That's if only I can get my words out... I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm a pretty big fans of yours... Harry: That's great! Danny: Awesome... I've just noticed your McFly earrings. Dougie: Yeah, where did you get them? They were a gift from my sister. H: They're cool! You're all looking very fine today. H: Thank you very much. Suddenly you're all grown up and I'm like, phwoar! [All laugh loudly.] What would you say are your best physical features? H: Certainly not my calves. T: Certainly not my jaw. Dougie: Definitely not my knob! [All crack up.] Danny: I like my hands. T: I don't really know what I like about myself. H: Your nipples are good. T: You all take the piss out of them for being small - I like my small nipples. Well, you don't want big dinner plates, do you? H: Dinner plates?! T: [To Dougie] You've got medium ones. Dougie: [Lifts up his shirt to reveal a very cute, slightly hairy nipple.] Yeah, they're side plates. But I have retardedly small teeth. Danny: They're like his milk teeth. Dougie: My teeth are chiselled. I've had them chiselled. T: They're tiny! Dougie: I'm thinking of getting them extended. I could be the rat man. T: Or the rabbit man... McFly fans are - as you can see before you now - pretty obsessive. Do you ever feel embarassed by their hysterical reaction to you? T: Yeah, the worst is when you go to a premiere or something and you have to get out of your car and on to the red carpet. It's really embarassing... H: It's definitely better when there is screaming though. T: True. I've seen some really rude banners at your gigs - have you ever seen anything that's shocked you? T: [Laughing] Yeah. My best one was: "Me + Tom = bum sex." Surely most of your fans are too young to know about bum sex? T: [Nodding his head and luaghing.] It's quite funny. What's the weirdest thing you've been sent by a fan? T: We're always a little bit wary of homemade food. Dougie: You don't know what they could have put in it. Are any of you single? T: No. [Tom lives with his long-term girlfriend Giovanna.] Harry? H: Nope, I'm not single. [Harry goes out with Izzy from Escala - the string quartet from Britain's Got Talent.] Danny...? Danny: [Shakes his head.] No. Dougie? Dougie: No, I'm not single. Oh... that's bad news... [Nervous laughter.] Dougie: We're all swingers. When we say we're going on holiday together, we're actually going on a swingers' cruise. Ok... so, are your girlfriends ever bothered by all the attention you get from your female fans? H: It's cool. They're fine with it. T: Yeah, they're sound. Have you ever had any older, mother-types coming on to you? T: [Nodding.] I remember this one at some awards in Scotland. I went to the toilet and here was this woman who must've been at leats 50 - and she tried to drag me into the toilets with her. I was like "Arrggghh." Danny: Mid-fifties? T: Yeah, she was like [Adopts old woman voice] "Come on, come with meee." H: I've had a married woman try to drag me into the toilet. I was like "But you're married!" and she was like "So what?" Would you ever consider dating some older? Say... about my age? H: How old are you? [Quietly] Twenty-eight... H: Yeah! T: Yeah, of course. Dougie: I like older woman. Danny: Yeah, Doug, you do, don't you...? How old is older? Dougie: One hundred and eight. [All fall about laughing.] Right... Dougie: Yeah, it was great. She mothered me afterwards and, you know, baked cakes... Harry, have you heard from Lindsay Lohan recently? [Harry and Lindsay were rumoured to have spent the night together after appearing in Just My Luck.] H: [Laughing.] Yeah, she sent me a text earlier. [Danny, Tom and Dougie all laugh.] No, of course I haven't! What do you make of her going out with Samantha Ronson? T: Is that true?! Danny: She's a ***? H: [Sarcastically] Oh dear... I must have put her off guys. Dougie: I don't believe she's a ***! I find it really wierd, though, that you've been there. H: Whatever she gets up to is her own business. Fair enough... Danny, are your pubes alright since you set fire to them at G-A-Y last year? Danny: [Embarrassed] Yeah, they're OK, you know... H: There are scars, of course. T: Those weren't the most flattering photos, were they? Danny: The flash was too strong! You could see quite a lot... Danny: [Turns to Dougie.] You were meant to be doing it too! H: I was sitting right behind him, So I could see what was being tucked in. Dougie: I was sweating so much that it was slipping and I had to cut the trick short [heat's been fiddling furiously with the end of our pen and it suddenly pings off and hits the floor.] H: What was that? Um, nothing... H: I thought it was your earrings. Don't say that! I hardly ever wear them because I'm scared of losing them. Today is especially for you... All: A
www. I was going to wear my t-shirt. I met you all at V Festival last year, and I was wearing it... [All stare at heat blankly.] Don't you remember, Danny? I asked to smell your hair. Danny: Oh yeah... [Tom, Dougie and Harry are all laughing at heat.] Does your hair still smell as nice? Danny: [Tries to smell his own hair.] Mmmm, I think so. One of you smells very nice today... H: I put on aftershave. Let's have a sniff [heat leans over very close to Harry's neck.] Mmm, nice. Lighting of pubes aside, are there any other rude tricks that are too rude to do on stage? H: There's *** or ball. Did you say "*** or ball"? T: Yeah. You just show a little bit of something. [Makes a ring with his thumb and forefinger.] Then you guess whether it's *** or ball. You're not private about your private but you've somehow managed to keep your personal lives to yourselves. Are there any dark secrets we should know about? Danny: Oh, I didn't like my secret that I did the other day. What did you