פורומים חדשים בתפוז אנשים

m i c k e y 15

New member
XDDDDDDD יצא לי די טוב איככשהו

i had lunch with my best friends boyfriend because I can XD אני מגניבההה חחחח

m o r 1 0 2

New member

i did the macrena with chuck norris because im hot like that לא ממש הבנתיXD


New member

i danced with a smurf because that how i roll סורי על הבורות
אבל.. לא הבנתי כ"כ ת'משפט חחחח

Yu vi

New member
חחחחחחחחחחח נחמד../images/Emo6.gif../images/Emo85.gif

febuary------i loved 3------a phone black------because thats how i roll. I loved a phone bacause thats how i roll
שיהיה. XD


New member
חח נייס השטותXD

i danced with a football player because im the coolest and i do what i want

loli kiss

New member
שלי ../images/Emo6.gif

i did the macrena with a noodle because im hot like that XD יצא הזוי


New member
חחח לי יצא משהו ממש פגר

I loved a pickle because I can XDD אני בכלל לא אוהבת מלפפונים חמוצים חחח