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*** לקוח מהאתרים שבתחילת השרשור *** House: (examining Alex's mammogram) I knew the twins were real. Chase owes me. Dr. Wilson:: Brilliant idea sending Stacy away. It's really done wonders for you. House: Listen, none of this has anything to do with Stacy. Dr. Wilson: Right. Giant coincidence you've gone completely off the rails since she left. Inducing migraines, worsening leg pain. (House whacks Wilson's leg) House: Aw, you miss Stacy too? Dr. Cameron: Since when do you voluntarily go see patients? House: Have you seen her? Dr. Cameron: She's fifteen! House: Yeah, but there's something about her, something in her eyes, a kind of maturity... Dr. Cameron: Yeah, yeah, she's an old soul - this is creepy, even for you. House: (discussing Alex's breasts) Two clinic hours says that those love apples are handcrafted by God. Dr. Foreman: I thought you didn't believe in God. House: I do now. Dr. Wilson: How’d you get here? House: By osmosis. Dr. Cuddy: Teenage supermodel. Presented with double vision, sudden aggressive behavior, cataplexy… House: You had me at “teenage supermodel”. Alex: I was passed out but I wasn’t. I, I knew what going on but I couldn’t move or talk… House Yeah, sounds like a medical thing. It’s called cataplexy. Catfight and cataplexy on the catwalk. Cool. Dr. Foreman: There’s no age limit on addiction. House: (popping a Vicodin) He’s right. House: I take it you’re married. George: (gestures to his wedding ring) You must be psychic. House: You must be witty. Dr. Foreman: Why would your mind go to abuse so fast? House: I had a funny uncle. Dr. Foreman: You were abused? House: What? No! Why'd your mind go to that so fast? I just had a funny uncle. Great stories, always filthy. House: Fine, arrest him. Use Cuddy’s handcuffs. Dr. Wilson: Heard you killed your supermodel. House: Only for a minute. Dr. Wilson: Just for my own clarity, how many more patients do you have to kill before you admit this leg thing might be a problem. House: Three. Wilson: (Speaking into a microphone to House who is getting an MRI). House, this is God. House: Look, I'm a little busy right now. Not supposed to talk during these things. Got time on Thursday? Wilson: Let me check. Oh, I got a plague! How about Friday? House: You'll have to check with Cameron. Wilson: Oh! Damn it! She always wants to know why bad things happen. Like I'm gonna come up with a new answer this time. (Cuddy enters). Cuddy: House! House: Quick, God! Smite the evil witch! Cuddy: Are you sitting on evidence that your patient was sexually abused by her father? House: God, why have you forsaken me? Dr. Chase: Why does (Alex) need more protection then some crack whore shivering in the clinic waiting room? Dr. Foreman: I think you’re just afraid to piss House off. Dr. Chase: There’s that too. Dr. Wilson: If you think it will help, the drugs will help. Power of the mind. House: You’re right. The more I talk to you, the more the pain floods back. House: Did you check the pancreas? Dr. Wilson: Oh come on – you’re just making up organs now, aren’t you?