Lady of the Ring
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בעקבות הכתבה האחרונה שעשו על לוסי, על כמה שקשה לה ועל יחס של מעריצים מסויימים <
>, מליסה גוד הציעה לאסוף מכתבי תמיכה ללוסי, להראות לה שחושבים עליה ושיש מעריצים שלמרות הכל תומכים בה מכל הלב. אני חושבת שזה רעיון מעולה, שייתן ללוסי הרגשה מאוד טובה. אני אעתיק את מה שפורסם באתר של מרי די, ואני לא יודעת מה איתכן, אבל ברגע שאני אחזור מהחרמון אני אכתוב ללוסי מכתב תמיכה. I'm really chuffed to see the support coming together for Lucy and Rob. I've been asked about my comments a few days ago and why the support is needed... Lucy has been subjected to vitriol, stalkers, hate mail for her portrayal of Xena from Season 3 to Season 6 - it appears through the Metro Magazine interview that Season 6 was especially vicious. Long time fans would remember the SUSA netforum and the absolute hatred and vitriol that spewed forward from that forum; as I said it was VILE. I won't go into the chronicle of abuse that originated on that forum but this hate mail didn't start after FIN aired when everyone was especially upset but it had it's beginnings with Season 3 and the rift. It continued on throughout Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6. Season 6 had it's own special brand of ickiness. This is from what I saw on the net; Lucy had another view of it because she was the intended target. Imagine yourself in her position. Why do we need to support Lucy? Can't she take care of herself and "get over it"? All of us need encouragement and support. Lucy isn't any different and neither is Rob. You may disagree with FIN (which I do) and you may think the ended the show on a bad note but nothing warrants being attacked like Lucy and Rob have. Not over a TV show. When it boils down to brass tacks - it's a TV show. Xena is not real and is a fictional character. Real people die, fictional characters don't. That said I know how hurt I was by the end of the show and it affected me deeply - we have all invested emotionally in this show and thus the end was a double blow: the show ending and our heroes ending on a bad note. No one is saying that your feelings are wrong but the vitriol and the angst directed at Rob and Lucy has to end. I'm not naive to believe it will but a little moral support for Lucy and Rob would be cool. You can still dislike FIN and that is your right but think of the six glorious years that we had; the absolutely wonderful performances by Lucy and Renee. No other show had two leading ladies who were absolutely MAGIC together. Now I wasn't aware yesterday (thanks Kat) that Missy had offered to forward emails and snail mail for anyone who wishes to send them to her and that's is majorly cool of her to offer (I fear for her poor postman <g>) If you are overseas and would like to send a snail mail instead of email you can send them to Missy at 625 NW 170th Terrace, Pembroke Pines, FL 33028, USA. If it's a letter, you can send it as a doc file to Missy at [email protected] and she will print it out and forward it on (thus saving the cost of sending it airmail or taking forever and 10 days (thus the term snail mail) If it's a card, send it to the address listed above. If you are in the US and want to send a card/letter just send it to the address above. If you prefer email - forward it to Missy's addy. Just so you know: Missy will read the emails/letters/cards to ensure that no one tries anything silly. This was supposed to be a short note...apologies for the length. MaryD
בעקבות הכתבה האחרונה שעשו על לוסי, על כמה שקשה לה ועל יחס של מעריצים מסויימים <