../images/Emo218.gifBe Cool, Stay In School!../images/Emo218.gif
"I'm too far gone it's all over now and you can't bring me down"
שיר השבוע של מקפליי
McFly - Ignorance McFly - You've Got A Friend McFly - The Ballad Of Paul K McFly - Transylvania McFly - Rocks McFly - Not Alone McFly - Surf Medley
שיר השבוע לא של מקפליי
Hellogoodbye - Baby, It's Fact Town Bike - Dougie Aly and Aj - Potential breakup song The Used - All That I've Got
להקת/אלבום השבוע
מקפליי - וונדרלנד.
קליפ השבוע
Vanilla Sky - Umbrella
http://youtube.com/watch?v=TvC6VS4Np4U - חחח תראו זה מצחיק
תוכנית הטלווזיה/סרט השבוע
אממממ המצעד האינטרקטיבי באמטיוי היטס XD
משהו שעיצבן
שימח השבוע
נמנמ... חברה שלי חזרה מלונדוןD:
ציטוט השבוע
יש המון
1. “Doug? It’s err… your mum,” he said, handing me the phone. “Oh BUGGER!” I swore, as quietly as I could. Mum didn’t like me cussing too much. I took the phone. “Hello? Mum?” I asked. “Dougie!” came my Mum’s happy voice. “Why didn’t you tell me you were in a band?” “Oh, I forgot!”
2. “Tom, when you choose to change the lyrics, make sure we get a warning in advance!” said Danny. “Actually, I thought the new lyrics were better,” said Harry thoughtfully. “Compare the difference – ‘The rumours’ spreading round that she cooks in the nude’ to ‘The rumours’ spreading round that she’s really a dude’!”
3. There was a mad scrabble as Danny and Tom both lunged for the remote control at the same time. “It’s mine!” Danny yelled, holding the remote tightly in his hands. “Give it to me!!” Tom said, lying next to Danny on the floor. “Or else!” “Or else what?!” Danny grinned, still clutching on tightly to the remote. “Or else I’ll sit on you!” Tom slowly stood up, leaving Danny lying on the floor. “Sit on me?! You’d kill me!” “I know, pity eh?” “You wouldn’t dare sit on me!” “Wanna bet?” “Yeah I do actual- AHHHHHRRRGG!! GET HIM OFF!! GET HIM OFF!!!” “Not until you give me the remote!” “Never!!” “Then you shall feel the indestructible weight of the Tom-inator!” “I can’t breathe!” “Give me the remote!” “NO!!” There was a silence. “Danny?” Tom prodded him in the chest slowly. Danny didn’t move. His eyes remained shut and his body motionless. “OH MY GOD!” I screamed, “YOU KILLED DANNY!!” “YOU BASTARD!!” Harry yelled.
4. שיחה ביני לבין אחותי החורגת [בת 6]: היא: "נסטיה, כשתיהיי גדולה... מי יהיה הבעל שלך?" אני: "דאגי!" היא: "אוי לא, רק לא דאגי!" לא נראה לי בכלל שהיא ידעה מי זה, אבל אחרי זה הראתי לה תמונות שלו ועשיתי לה שטיפת מוח: אני: "זה דאגי! דאגי יפה! נכון שדאגי יפה?" היא: "כן!" ומצביעה לעוד תמונה שאני אראה לה XDDD
5. Tom: “Can you maybe leave me and Dougie together?” Yvette: “No” Silence Tom: “Please?” Yvette: “No” Silence Dougie: “We’ll give you tickets” Ton laughs Dougie: “Not just for our concerts, I mean we’ve got contacts” אחרי שהם אמרו כמה דברים נוספים לא חשובים... Tom: “She kind of looks like your mum” Dougie: “Mmn Yeah” Yvette: “Don’t get cocky guys” Tom: “His mum is hot!” Yvette: “Oh, its ok” XDDDDD
6. Dougie: “No! Get fucked! There is no fucking way I’m going in there man!” Silence Dougie: “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t meant to say it like that” XDDD
7. Yvette: “Ok, that’s the end for you” Dougie: “Good, good” Yvette: “You finished? Are you happy to leave?” Dougie: “Yeah!” Silence Dougie: “You guys are mental!” XDDDDDD
8. Dougie: “This was the spookiest night of my life. I hated every second of it… So thanks guys! Cheers!”
9. Dougie: “No! There is no way I’ll ever do that again! Suck that! Looking for ghosts… Ehhuug” XDDD
10. “Dougie misses his mum! He does! He cries every night!” XDDDDDD
11. Tom: “I don’t know, but I can feel Dougie’s willy in my back” XDDDDD
12. Harry: “Harry is so coooool!” Tom: “why can’t I look like hiiiim?” XDDD
13. “Dougie?” came a familiar voice on the other side of the curtain. “You in there?” “Yeah,” I said, “What do you want?” “I needed to talk to you about something,” Harry said, in a small whisper. Instantly, I was alert. I’d never heard Harry sound so … so… SCARED before. I pulled open the curtains and look at him. “What’s wrong?” I began to say, but got cut off by him suddenly pressing his lips against mine. I wrapped my free arm around him and pulled him into the darkness of my bunk, pulling the curtains closed behind us. “Oh Harry,” I moaned, feeling him gently pull off my boxer shorts. “Wow,” he breathed. “Big boy!” I laughed, and pulled him close to me so that we were kissing. “I’ve never been with another man before,” he whispered in a low husky voice. “Take care of me, won’t you, Dougie? Dougie? DOUGIE!!” I snapped out of my dream with an unattractive snort. “Huh? What?” “Fletch has got stomach flu, so the loo’s out of order until we get a new one,” Harry said, bringing me right back into horrible reality. “And, you’re drooling, by the way.” I checked my chin. Bugger.
מתנגן בראש/פלייליסט
איגנורנס 3>
תמונת השבוע
יש 2 P: טחח הוא ממש חמוד פה
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